Paul Tatara

"The Caveman's Valentine" is a huge turd, albeit an underrated huge turd.

Man, Kasi Lemmons went in the toilet in record time. I thought "Eve's Bayou" was great, but "The Caveman's Valentine" is so 8th-grade-pretentious, idiotic, and poorly constructed it's fucking jaw-dropping. I gave up on her THEN.

If there's CGI, I will nog look.

Not long, when it comes to a guy who proudly and openly disrespected most people who weren't HIM for his entire life.

"Paris 1919" is as good as any single Reed solo record, true.

I'm going to start calling all shitty songs "untranscendental pieces." Thanks for that.

Theoretically, given his view of other people, Lou Reed would appreciate me calling his dead body a fucking asshole.

No. I've been a big Lou Reed fan since before most of the people posting here were even born, and when he wrote shit, he wrote SHIT. And there's lots of it, especially from the 80s. Are we supposed to pretend it doesn't exist because he was good at sneering?

Been there, done that.

Drum machines. And coke.

Agreed. That thing's made my skin crawl for over a quarter of a century.

Well, he was lucky in that sense.

Oh, fuck. Yes it is.

You guys totally miss the point of "I Wanna be Black" Reed is making fun of the dumb-ass, middle-class white college student who thinks these broad, offensive caricatures he's spewing define what it is to "be black." It's not sung in Reed's voice. It's sung in the KID'S voice. Randy Newman does the same thing; he

I'll file this right next to his other 1,692 versions of "Purple Haze."

Man, he's pushing the shit out of this album. He must be hurting for money.

Great cameo, by the way.

Think about who he is! He could be SUCH a prick, and he's not. He and Lennon are two of my big heroes, but John, for all his peace chants, contributed far more prick-like pronouncements and behavior to the world in a mere 40 years than McCartney has in over 70.

That's exactly how I've always felt about it. They were two of the greatest songwriters who ever lived, and he still got his songs on there. And his songs sometimes weren't very good. It wasn't until the end, when they ignored stuff like "All Things Must Pass," that he should have been given more of a chance. But

Madonna is a whore.