Call me Al

Billy Bush definitely screwed up, but wasn’t it one of the authors here or on the Concourse who basically pointed out the show was Access Hollywood? The whole premise is to be cozy and a positive PR stop for various media figures so it would be detrimental to the show if they were icy toward their guests and

Probably gives you a clue as to how much the rest of the Bush family like him. Apparently he can’t get close enough to the power and money he’s related to and has to look elsewhere.

That’s true. I imagine he has to set a lot of relationship bars very low.

Counterpoint: is a pathetic sycophant desperately trying to get closer to wealth and fame really a friend?

His entire Syria stance was terrible.

From what I can gather his favorite age is between 14-29. So yeah she isn’t in. :)

I’m reading some post debates comments (and CNN on the background when there are no Trump supporters speaking) and something caught my attention when someone said that even though she had the opportunity to finish him off tonight it might have been a campaign strategy not to: ‘if he blows himself off, ok’ but if not

I think she also may be realizing how bad her associating with him is for her own brands. Like damn her shoes actually ARE great.

I thought Ivanka looked really, really tense around her dad, and her body language was saying she didn’t want to be anywhere near him. I think the scales may finally be falling from her eyes.

That’s what they said at Jonestown.

The best part was that he was forced to end the debate by complimenting her. That, and the fact that he basically complimented her stamina.

As a”townhall” attendee I would have asked him to explain the differences between shia and sunni to me. Like the vast majority of congressmen (who have nonetheless been voting for the last 30 years to pit these factions against each other when destroying their countries in various wars all over the Middle East) I’d

I was more shocked no one is talking about how he condemned Hillary for even talking to Iran and then complimented Iran (who he had called terrorists) for killing ISIS.


ETA: not the store.

You said and anyone who doesn’t vote for Trump is morally superior to anyone who votes for him. There are convicted rapists who will vote for Hillary and LBGT women who will vote for Trump. In your mind, the rapists are morally superior. That’s not very feminist of you!

I legitimately feel sorry for Martha Raddatz and Anderson Cooper. I think they’ve told both candidates to shut up and move on 20 times now.

There’s plenty of rope to hang Trump with without being dishonest. His logic is, “yes, I’ve said shitty things about women, but Hillary and Bill have done shitty things TO women, which is much worse.” This isn’t that complicated.

There’s an MLB playoff game and an NFL game going on right now. Just thought this sports blog might want to know.

He’s not lying. The Chargers could easily be 5-0. They have literally blown every game with the exception of their singular victory. For the first 3 quarters of every game they’ve dominated. I thought last week’s giveaway was bad but this one takes the cake.