Call me Al

Who gives a shit about how old that video is, the man was sixty at the time - and you can rest assured that he talks like this in private all the time to this very day. It is who he is, as many people who know him and who have worked with him have repeatedly pointed out in the last couple of months.

I’ve been expecting him to call her “bitch’ in a debate for a year now. Tonite will be it.

“In my kids’ room while they fall asleep.”

As an addendum - Bilzerian (who is as safe a bet as a Drumpf supporter as they come) just uploaded this on his instagram the other day.

My husband never gets into debates and he is excited to watch Trump get wrecked. Tonight should be fun.

I seriously hope they are like actual best friends and have planned a road trip to Vegas in Diamond Joe’s IROC after this whole shitstorm is over

Love them

Trump has shown the potential for someone younger, smarter and more patient to solidify these angry whites into one powerful movement. Under Hillary Clinton, even more hated than Obama, they will only grow angrier.

The great blessing for the US is that Trump is too witless to be Hitler, while Charles Koch, who is clever enough, has all the charisma of an empty banana peel. We have been spared our own Hitler (so far) by mere luck, rather than whatever it is we imagine American virtue to be.

Identity politics is the enemy of intersectionality. He’s being an asshole and trying to play pain Olympics with sexual assault on the table.

I saw him on Bill Maher’s show this week.

I can hear the excuses already.

Yeah, but I’m really uncomfortable with what Asaf is doing there.

I love Aasif Mandvi, but ... c’mon, dude. Trump didn’t just “insult hot white women.” He bragged about committing serial sexual assault.

America is very guilty of ignoring Trump’s racist statements and actions but the outrage is not coming from the “insult” to the (hot white) host on that video - it’s the description of assault. He already insulted “hot white women” many times, including Megan Kelly. The leaked video is more like if he was on video

Yeah, I get people questioning why this is some people’s last straw with Trump (hint: because he was sinking in the polls), but maybe try to phrase it so you don’t seem completely contemptuous of women being sexually assaulted.

I’m good for a twenty.

Um, he’s bragging about committing sexual assault against actual human women. It is legit despicable.

What about Megyn Kelly?

What about Megyn Kelly?