Call me Al

It’s just a silencing tactic, it’s basically tone trolling. She’s attempting to shut down discussion on the issue and using her kid as a pawn to do it. If she can get any mention of Trump’s latest faux pas to seem too improper to repeat, she can limit the spread, that’s all it is.

A paycheck will make some people do and say crazy shit.

I hope she describes it by saying, “he has the sexual prowess of a tranquilized panda.”

You know, this is a common catchphrase, but it’s not true. Reality does not have a liberal bias; conservatism (specifically, Republicanism) has just consciously decided to abandon reality altogether.

Best case scenario: Melania leaves Trump, endorses Clinton and confirms for the world that he’s impotent.

I love that she’s wearing a cross while defending a guy who is nearly the complete opposite of everything Jesus represented.

I’m so looking forward to every single end of the year recap television and the internet will have to offer.

And she’s been very constant at it, from the start.

Ana Navarro - Undertaker
Scottie Neil Hughes - Mankind

I’m more scared of what happens to America if the Cubs win the World Series than I am if Trump wins.

So now we know the real progenitor of “Fuck her right in the pussy.”

The best part of this is Ana going “Mmmm.” at the end. CNN tossed her from the segment after this, btw.

Ana Navarro for President of Kicking Trump’s Ass 2016.

You can say it’s “celebrity” but I think the real case is: after fuckface David Stern retired, the NBA finally realized that nobody cares about similarly fuckfaced owners’ cut or fuckface box seat holders or coaches or the post-game press conference dress code. They watch the game, and the players are the only ones

The bubble is bursting.

Amen. I pretty much stopped watching the game last night after Carlos Hyde was tagged with a taunting penalty for committing the egregious act of flexing. When games aren’t all that entertaining on their own merits (like last night’s), a little showmanship helps. But the league has systematically squashed all forms of

Agree except with one quibble, basketball is back 100%. It’s blowing up in popularity. It turns out that a celebrity-driven sport is perfect for the social media age.

NFL games are absolutely horrible to attend as well

Of course it has nothing to do with the actual policies the NFL has implemented! Good ol’ Rog hasn’t done anything wrong...