That guy’s elbow crushed Neymar’s face into Bolivian.
That guy’s elbow crushed Neymar’s face into Bolivian.
Any head cut bleeds more profusely than if it were elsewhere on the body. Minor cuts to your noggin can seem like a geyser sometimes if you catch them in the right spot.
Dear soccer dudes: if you didn’t always grab your face and dive, perhaps it’d get called when it’s not a dive (which, admittedly, is about 1 in 10,000 based on my experience)
Kaepernick sits silent while black on black crime happens on his own field.
Say what you want about homeboy’s complete lack of basic self-preservation instincts, but he fucking stuck that landing.
And then Law and Order SVU, ripped from the headlines, episode in 10-9-8...
A friend of mine knows this woman who feeds her kids the most restrictive diet. One day she fed her kids sardines and cod liver oil for dinner. That’s it. She posts pictures on social media of the food she feeds them, and it’s stuff like 3 raspberries, 3 blueberries, 3 cherry tomatoes, and raw milk. All of her dumb…
My sister doesn’t want her 6 month old to consumer dairy, other than her own milk. I think that’s normal for a 6 month old, but not as she gets older. The reason my sister is anti-dairy is because she believe it caused her acne. She also contemplated not vaccinating her, but enough of my family yelled at her that she…
Good point. From her out-of-touch-with-reality POV, her husband is now poisoning their baby by feeding him normally.
This woman is both nutty and fruity.
No. Listen, if this was a guy people would be calling for lengthy prison time, and rightfully so. Same thing for her. Unless she was delusional she knew children under 1 are not supposed to live on just fruit and nuts.
No more bird jokes on this post, I prey.
It’s been said before, and it’ll be said again, but leave your children (ESPECIALLY TODDLERS/INFANTS) out of your whackado dietary choices. Seriously, dafuq is wrong with these people?
“She was going to live on water and sunlight.”
-1 for not understanding
Waiting to pass judgment is never a bad thing, imo. It’s not like anyone is keeping score on how long it takes you to condemn a person.
Not believing anyone is a reasonable take until you learn all the evidence. This is assuming you are supportive and not a dick to alleged victims until you have enough information to form an opinion.
She admitted that at first she told one roommate that the other men, and not Rose, had raped her...
I used to like Griffin before he soled out.
He should file a Greivis-ance