Call me Al

No, I won’t. As we were informed yesterday, the decision of what is newsworthy is determined by a) the public wanting to know or b) the particlaur journalist/news org deciding it’s newsworthy. Here, the first is met, so it’s only not newsworthy because Deadspin doesn’t think it is. But that conclusion conflicts with

I had a similar experience. Older women can be especially unsympathetic (speaking in generalities here) because their experience regarding what is socially acceptable conduct between men and women is just so different.

If memory serves, this was a “Republic Uncle”-style internet myth that was re-posted on Facebook a hundred times that some players believe is fact?

But its not. With Kobe or Jameis Winston, it was THE biggest story around, remember when every Sportscenter led into “When’s Kobe’s Next Court Date” It’s weird this isn’t moreso

That’s because it’s so obviously fake haha

Stop spreading conservative Facebook memes around, Doug.

Its strange that this isn’t the biggest sports story in the country. Her story is just utterly terrifying. The idea of a former MVP now playing in New York being part of such a graphically abhorrent act and it sort of feels like a page 13 story. I even came into this article looking to make some joke about Rose’s

Well apparently Doug Baldwin has something in common with most of my extended family in that he believes everything he reads on Facebook.

I’m guessing Baldwin is yet another in a long line of dipshits who believe everything they read on the Internet, or more specifically, on Facebook memes. This sounds very much like the discredited meme about a speech Jerry Jones allegedly gave to the Cowboys before their game on 9/11. The meme seemed to be spread by

I feel like that’s gotta be a big reason Cam hasn’t kneeled.

He’s talking about this Facebook post I haven’t seen corroborated anywhere else.

Went to a seminar about voir dire and what to look for in jury selection. I remember that the guy running it said that in a rape case you want a jury full of men who have sisters or daughters. A lot of times, women jurors show less sympathy to the victim and think that those events could never happen to them. Men

She should know that every Rose has its thorns.

Rose’s jersey was red, now Rose’s jersey is blue, over-privileged rapist or cash grab, we don’t know, do you?


As opposed to the usual super chill gang rape trials

Courtroom sketch of the defendant

if you try hard and believe in yourself anything is possible