Paul Shuster

He looks like Randall Flagg in the Stand.

"There has to be a bigger endgame in play here—cold-blooded as he is, it’s hard to imagine Larrick wanting to kill an innocent—but it’s not yet apparent, to us or to Elizabeth, what it could be."

This sounds like a job for… Booster Gold!


I actually think it was more his obvious love for his wife than anything to do with what he said that raised her ire. That's what I figure the revenge is about.

He reminds me of that old Warren Zevon song, "Excitable Boy."

I thought of it as an Alfred Hitchcock Presents… but that was a really good show…

Like they did with Gregory's wife!

Well, if Philip would just cave and buy an Intellevision, the battle would be half won already.

Ahem… "Even Finlay can't control the Troll!"

Is the Amazing Mr. Dead!

Chantho's speech pattern will be familiar to anyone who has spent significant time around Thais, who when speaking politely add "krup" (for men) or "ka" (for women) at the end of their statements:…

We've all seen that scene in the movie where the kid has a wolf cub or a stag or other wild animal and throws rocks at it and says, "I hate you" in order to drive it away… so it won't have to die…

The next step after gaining the Presidency? For a man like Frank? Isn't it obvious?

I assume he has a van. He's a homicidal maniac, after all.

This is the real reason that God killed his career.

"So, we meet again, Dr. Hercules Strawman! You'll not succeed in your evil machinations this time!"

Ghost problems, eh?

I think it was because she didn't really believe Will. Remember to most of the world Will is still "that crazy guy who eats people that is locked up in the madhouse."

I'm going to bet that it was that bullet hole that leads Jack into the confrontation with Hannibal.