Paul Shuster

In a way, in that the nutrition from their corpses has gone to build blood, muscle and bone in Hannibal.

I'll level with you, I'm starting to think Hannibal might be crazy.

The Starks get their revenge and put their remaining living relative with the best claim on the throne, Robert Arryn. He finally gets to see the little man fly…

"Hey, hey, we're sitting right here!"

I imagine people working in Jack Crawford's unit develop personalities along the lines of Joker's unit in Full Metal Jacket. I imagine they have trouble sleeping sometimes though.

She's fine, Hannibal sent her to live at a farm upstate, with lots of fresh air and she can run around outside with Miriam and chase rabbits.

"Who would even administer the test?"

Searching on Cyrus Gold brings up, "Miley Cyrus Bangerz Her Way To Gold With Over 500K Copies Of Album Sold!"

No, no. If you felt burned by Lost, don't watch Arrow, not if you felt burned by Smallville.

"But hey: There’s no soreness about the switcheroo in 'The Principal And The Pauper' 16 years after that episode first aired, right? RIGHT?"

I'm hoping it's a euphemism for going to Belize.

Structurally, Justin’s a little odd—out of nowhere, suddenly there’s an apparently major character delivering the response to arguably the show’s biggest remaining mystery, what the Shadows want: “It’s really simple. You bring two sides together, they fight. A lot of them die. But those who survive are


"I don't really get what Frank Underwood is meant to stand for."

Read Robert Caro's biography of LBJ for a real life example of a Democrat like Underwood….

"South Carolina never shoulda elected motherfucking Keyser Söze to congress."

@avclub-0d4efaa2c9d1041eb9b8b5319eec8531:disqus After his work on "The Goon" kickstarter, he doesn't have to remind me who he is.  I accept that he's a demigod with compassion for us miserable humans.

Pet peeve of mine:  A serious show with fictional characters having real life talk show hosts on it as themselves.  Immediately I go, "Oh, look there's George Stephanopoulos, he must think it's a hoot to be on House of Cards."

"Did the interracial aspect of Bloody Face's marriage have any significance whatsoever? I'd like to say no."

"Did the interracial aspect of Bloody Face's marriage have any significance whatsoever? I'd like to say no."