Paul Shade

Tormund and Brienne 4 Eva

Wasn't the driver Buzz from Home Alone?

"he isn't that bad of a gay at all" somebody's putting me on.

"go to the nero's club"

"given that the jax". it never gets old.

I'm really going to miss the cooking scenes when Hannibal finally gets caught.

I haven't read the books. Can you explain the tears martini thing?

Exhibit A:

Why is everyone assuming Chilton is dead? He's totally not dead. He was shot through the cheek. Did I miss something?

They already ruined that reputation by putting Hannibal and Community on the air.

They should just let Louis CK host every week. And then get rid of the sketches and extend the monologue for a hour and a half.

Except that they are. They used to be around 52-55 minutes long. Now they are around 45-47 minutes long.