
Unicorn featured the best mobile suit designs for me. The Unicorn is now my favorite Gundam design and the RGM-96X (so underused in the anime) my favorite grunt suit design. Heck the series made me fall in love with the Jegan (especially the ECOAS variant).

He is a dad in canon, like in a father figure sort of way, I guess (since he was the overwatch head)?

Fortunately, my backlog is huge. I’ll be waiting for a price drop until then

Ever since I got my Animal Crossing amiibos (came for “free” when I bought a switch), I’ve had a slight urge to try and buy the remaining AC amiibos. Fortunately, I’ve kept that desire in check by putting the ones I have in a paper bag, and keeping them out of sight.

By far the best city mode of the three giants (though I vastly prefer the robot modes of the other two).

I think they were counting on the fact that because they are of two different genres, Splatoon wont eat into the ARMS playerbase

Ugh, and I haven’t even finished the 2D Trails games (as they’re prequels, I feel compelled to complete them first)

Motion controls are why I would rather play an FPS on the Wii versus a PS3

Really small thing that I wish they fixed: when you have the Reaper of Souls expansion, I hope that the new CGI only plays once you reach Act V, rather than when you boot up the game.

I’m glad the post-a-message feature is still a thing in Splatoon. The things people do with it really matches the personality Nintendo wants the Inklings to have.

Personally, if resembling Power Rangers is a problem, I would have preferred that they get their inspiration from Kamen Rider / Karas / Guyver instead. Or Metal Heroes...that would be awesome.

I was hoping that they would do something about smurf accounts. Ah well, those current measures are fine.

I’m surprised the Jojo and obari poses get no mention

Thinking real hard as to whether I should get Splatoon or not. Problem is that I’m still finishing my backlog (at least Disgaea 5 and Doom, and maybe I will finally come around to finishing Trails in the Sky)

The dedication to post memes into Splatoon is real.

Did not know this was made in 1985. First time I encountered MSPaint was in Windows 3.1

But this is Japan. Not sure if they have the same quotable quotes for the game

Or when you don’t want to look like a total snob, because you couldn’t hear the guy who wants to start a conversation with you (especially is said guy is your boss).

Or when you don’t want to look like a total snob, because you couldn’t hear the guy who wants to start a

I only watched the first four of five episodes or so, but when they killed off Computron on episode 1, I was like -_-

I read your line in Vegeta’s Abridged voice (which is something I’m compelled to do every time I read that line).