
It’s a shame FFXII didn’t go the Vagrant Story route by featuring a more mature character (shorts-exposing-butt aside, I like Ashley Riot). I’d actually tolerate Vaan more if they made him a sidekick character of, say, Basch (who was originally supposed to be the main character, and the first time an FF deviated from

Planning for this weapon type to be my go-to once MHW comes out on the PC (yay, mouse!)

Forget banana about getting flipped over via blue shell.

Looked like some motion control was involved, looking at the way items were thrown, hence the question if those are really just thrown via buttons.

Ah so just the usual driving setup then? Was under the assumption that items were thrown via some sort of motion control

I’m interested with the control scheme. Will there be a Wii Remote type device to go along with the wheel (for throwing items)?

Same, except I extend this persona beyond D&D. It’s difficult for me to play an even remotely morally-grey character.

I was certain someone would bring this up. Not that I disagree mind you.

I hope to continue with the “average joe” superhero faces “average joe” villains theme in future Spider-man films, in contrast to larger-than-life heroes fighting larger-than-life villains in other MCU films.

Not many people were present during the post credit scene in where I watched.

Funny enough, that line of thinking is why I liked Iron Man 2: it captured aspects of Tony’s life in the comics.

I don’t think physical abuse will come. It seems like they wanted to portray Flash here as more into psychological/cyber-bullying over actual physical violence (if Wikipedia is to be believed).

When the door opens after he rings the doorbell. I loved the tension the next few minutes after that.

And that is why Spiderman 2 is still my favorite Spiderman movie. It captures Peter’s life (in the comics) in a nutshell: misfortune after misfortune, with the occasional silver lining. And yet he continues his superhero duties as Spiderman, even if his life seems to be nothing but full of lemons.

Same. Those three are my top MCU villains (though I think Vulture is a clear winner for me, I can relate the most to him).

Did your crowd also gasp during a certain part in the homecoming scene? Saw the movie twice, and both crowds did.

MCU Vulture is now one of my favorite villains, for the same reason Spiderman is one of my favorite comic book heroes: guy is an average joe, with the situation and challenges that come with it. Even as the Vulture, Toomes continued to live the life of an (albeit upper) middle class American.

If you’re playing between Friday and Saturday (Saturday and Sunday in Asia respectively), yup. Otherwise, many kiddies are at school that time

Go play at times when people in Asia are awake. The things that come out of the mouths of kids (who play Overwatch) these days.

“Anyone under the age of 10"