
So close yet so far. Thanks Obama.

Is it really? If you have the cash, you could just put it in a general index fund and make more than the 0-3% the captive auto finance houses charge people. If you look at how much you loose by buying a $30k car cash instead of investing that $30k, you’d probably never do it again.
I sold cars for a few years. Old

‘profit unjustly’? You can make the argument that it shouldn’t be another profit source for him... but to say that it’s unjust to pay someone for working more is a stretch. It’s not his fault that the producers failed to background check their actors within the industry. Honestly, they probably knew he was a bad dude

You can absolutely do that even today. Go to a dealer website, fill out the form, tell them to bring paperwork with the delivery driver, and when you want it there. I sold cars for 5 years and have done probably ~50 deals like that. Saves me a test drive and having to show them how to setup Bluetooth and nav.

If you get punched in the mouth you often taste the blood from your bleeding lip.

Technically he did mastermind the downfall of two political legacy families (clinton and Jeb bush). Not bad for an idiot.

Adults with braces can not sign up for the military because the braces are too much of an issue. But taking hormones, documented psych issues, and intense surgeries, no problem.

What will you do if your son makes the choice to vbelieve the chemicals that run through a humans body make them like certain things and behave a certain way?

This seems like an odd post considering the recent death there of a motorcycle racer.

Sounds like we know who your wife gave her first blowjob to.

Dont forget the WR250R for adventure riding that might also include 60mph back road and highway sections (the wrr will go 85mph but thats just pushing it for no reason really)

I personally hate when friends say “oh I never got a bike because I’d totally kill myself trying to race and go fast and push it!!!”

I’ve been riding for 15 years now. No accidents on the street (dirt is another matter). Reality is if you want to keep riding, you have to ride to not get hit. All my friends that started riding with me at 18 no longer ride after one or two crashes because they had a stupid attitude to danger like your little catch

I see you’ve thought this through.

When you say enough for basic housing and food, at what level do you mean? Like homeless shelter quality? 1 bedroom in the projects? 1 bedroom loft overlooking the ocean? 3 bedroom duplex house? Nice house on half an acre in the country?

Youre telling me laws will protect you when someone cross a double yellow line and thus you no longer have to pay attention? Will laws also put your femur back together?

Look, this is pretty simple and even you said it yourself. Traffic was clear, up until that area ahead of him. Instead of slowing down knowing that people could change lanes out of that slow traffic area, he decided to just go for it and hope for the best. Hope is not a strategy when on a bike.

I’m sure that will comfort the many people with broken femurs, necks, ribs, and so forth that make this mistake often.

Because the biker setup a situation that was bound to end poorly even though what he was doing was legal (except for the speed hes going). If traffic is almost stopped in one lane, and an empty lane exists next to it... you can predict with very good odds that atleast 1 out of 100 cars will merge into that lane, even

I sold cars for several years, followed by being a ‘sales manager’. You unfortunately just ran into a retarded salesperson that couldn’t think of a more sane thing to say. Pricing in general at dealers is handled by software that we calibrate and adjust weekly or atleast monthly. The software tells us exactly how many