
I sold cars for several years. If a model has more demand than production/allocation, it sells for MSRP or close to it. If there is demand for 20,000 diesel Cruze sales at discounts, yet Chevy only gives 5,000 to dealers, they will hold them close to MSRP and hope that 1 in 4 people will pay MSRP if the car is worth

With how cheap GPS trackers with text alerts are these days, hopefully fewer and fewer people are leaving themselves exposed like this.

In California atleast, a ‘rental car’ is a branded title type and although obviously not as bad as a salvage/rebuild title, it’s still would make a mess for dealers to deal with value wise and loan wise through banks.

How is this sexism? He’s being nice and supportive of women. If what he said is not true, and women aren’t as able to drive quickly due to a mothering instinct, then what IS the reason?

He goes after fake news sites because the propaganda they spread actively works against him trying to fix problems like this.

I’ve personally seen the check engine lights thrown on 60k mile Audis, and then seen the techs do their crazy TopDeadCenter plus 7 zipties locked in a Makita drill fed into the head to spin them up and break it all free... and then vacuum it all out. So yes, on certain models a lot of junk is collecting very quickly.

I drive a 311k mile Silverado since atleast 160k.. and Ive never replaced a wheel bearing, tierod, balljoint, or ujoint. I did replace a 4l60e trans and that terrible g80 locker with a truetrac when it blew up. Other than that, a lot of those items seem to be built for the long haul these days.