
“There’s been like 43 hats available online this season and only mine has tinfoil on it. Someone has to give me some answers and it is not acceptable.”

Say what you want about Speedgear, they are on point for Hamilton fans this week. #Blessed

How is it that the longer I stare at R33 Skylines the more they look like alternate universe Mustangs?

Ford GT will also baby. Bette would love it!

Nope. This has never happened before. The problem with young people is that they thing everything they experience is being experienced for the first time ever, you just don’t understand. (Please note, this is a rare case of me not criticizing Millenials. Every generation, including mine, goes through this. It’s called

Gutting’em is the only way a C4 thru C6 Corvette actually looks attractive ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

‘Twas horseshit. I’ve been around stock car racing all of my 31 years and that is the single most shameful race ending I have ever witnessed. Nemechek should be parked for embarrassing everyone associated with the race and taking away a good ending from everyone who watched it.

That is the most deliberate attempt to wreck someone I have ever seen. If I was in charge Nemechek would have been DQ’d. That kind of bullshit disgusts me.

Central Waters > everything