Paulo Cesar

you can already do that, it’s under the first option in the e-shop, the magnifying glass. You can sort by popularity, date, genre, games with demos

This fucking should affect other games. Maybe then mobile gaming as a whole will get good.

How about don’t.

No one’s criticizing Facebook because they think video games are the cause of mass shootings. They’re criticizing Facebook because having a demo where you shoot up a public space like a train station so soon after the Parkland shooting is in very poor taste.

This is quite possibly the most Nintendo thing Nintendo has ever done.

Agreed. I’m one of those people that couldn’t care less. I don’t usually replay games, ever. I loved Wild Hunt, it’s my GOAT, but thinking about going back to replay it gives me anxiety. The only games I was ever bummed I missed out on were TLoU and the Uncharted series, both of which got remasters, so no skin off my

I’m going to be frank. Despite a small (vocal) minoirty, most people people don’t give a damn about backwards compatibility. Sure it’s a nice feature to have, but it’s not exactly a money maker for the manf. Most people just want to play the new stuff anyway. (not that there’s anything wrong with old games)

Oh. Also makes me not want to play it.

Makes sense. The Rich tend to ruin everything.

That’s not hard to accomplish when it’s coming off of the Wii U

That makes no sense. The Switch is the fastest selling console ever. Not just among Nintendo consoles. And why would accomplishing that be easier as a follow up to the disappointing sales of the Wii U? That makes it harder, not easier.

Nintendo: not dead, and thriving. Suck it, haters!

Let’s do this:

This reminds me of how much I loved RE4 on the Wii, totally going to look into this on my Switch.

There will be no shortage of people out to spit on Nintendo, the crowds who crank about how their time has passed and how they should hang it up. “Any moment now!”, they say - while staring in the mirror and plucking out the grey hairs from their chin.

At this point I rank those guys barely above people who keep

but they should stop making consoles and go third party, right?

My reaction

Keep telling yourself that.

Lol, sure they are.

Yeah I’m not keen on it, either. Physical athletes who compete at the Olympic level are at the absolute peak of human performance. They endure intense training regimens requiring months of diet restrictions and grueling multiple-hour sessions performing at their very best.
I just don’t see esports being on that same