Paul N

Better than putting your phones face-down (or an app) STACK the phones upside down. Way more fun, prevents anyone from sneaking, and always gets noticed by others (makes a fun story).

Subway! B-D to the Y-U-S line all the way.

I jump in the shower with mouthwash in, since it's the only of the 3 (out of brushing and flossing) that keeps you hands-free. Otherwise, you're just standing in the shower with your hands occupied while you brush/floss the same as you would in front of the mirror.

I also shave in the shower. BUT rather than go by feel, I bought a $14 suction cup mirror to keep in the shower. It works great and makes things much easier.

Little known fact (maybe?): there was a series of Myst books. I actually loved them when I was younger...great character development and cool to tie into what I'd been playing.


Looks like a Numark Mixtrack Pro

Flip is still my favorite design for a phone.

Just a note - in most Canadian provinces, you CANNOT withhold rent for neglected repair (or any other reason other than until you have a copy of the rental agreement). You must keep on paying no matter what, and file with the Landlord Tenant Board (or equivalent) for a judgement (or escalate to the appropriate

Quesadillas! Like grilled cheese, but with the illusion of being more healthy.

Plus I just scrubbed a bunch of food particles out of my teeth...the thought of leaving those in my mouth makes me shudder.

The title of the linked article has a split infinitive...

I have a friend, and she and I used to talk about how much we LOVED when someone would cancel plans with us. Like, when you have an entire evening blocked off for something, the other person cancels, and suddenly you have an evening to yourself.

Wow. Specs?

You work in a windowless office for 12 hours/day, 6 days a week? I'm not sure SAD is what's causing the problem ;)

At the risk of one-ups-manship, I'll say that as a former Edmontonian (53.5° N), hearing a Californian complain about S.A.D. from lack of sunlight seems a bit ridiculous. At the winter solstice, the sun rises at 9am and sets at 4pm. Lots of days, if I wasn't careful, I'd miss the sun altogether.

Like everything, it depends on your situation. I was doing a lot of on-location audio recordings and needed something portable, but something with enough power that I never have to worry about the fidelity/stability of the recorder. As such, I ended up with a MacBook Pro.

Vote: Plex

"Taking them out at the right time" is important, but it's not going to keep them TRULY chewy as they will eventually dry out anyways.

Our fire alarm went off when it SMELLED food.