
I’m sure there’s room for them at the Casa del guantanamo Bay. 

At this point, I’m just happy Shea Butter is gonna be back in the WH. 

I read that ICE was involved. Now how many illegal immigrants are out there protesting in the middle of a pandemic and crippled economy is like thinking black folks are going to hit up a KKK BBQ after protest.

Thank you for wtriting this. I, too, lost a cousin in 2012 to gun violence. Never solved.

Fox would be a fool to so since food pverty has risen among their viewers.

“NBCNews reports that a bill drafted by Senate Democrats includes the $350 billion “Economic Justice Act,” a proposal meant to provide relief to communities of color. The money is meant to be “an important down-payment” to answer for systemic racism and the “historic underinvestment in communities of color.”

When have the Kardashians ever been responsible for or the consequences of their behavior?

I was about to type a similar thought.

I know Im probably projecting here but there’s something unnerving seeing a Black man reading the for an organization named “The Lincoln Project”. Just a *tad* bit too close on the nose for me. LOL

“Many believe that the photo and caption is a clear violation of federal ethics laws, which don’t allow for federal employees “to endorse any product, service or enterprise,” the Post reports.”

Probably botox

And the fact they had to make .15 work like a $1

Water is wet.

I’m not referring to his anti semtic comments as the trolls in the grays would like to believe.

I agree and disagree. I used to work in standards/practices and we would have lengthy conversations about shows with problemactic content. Some would be left in because of historical context and some would be removed because how determined the context in which it was used. It’s hard discussion to have in some respects