
CoD needs to pull an Assassins Creed and wait two years between so they can perfect each one and keep an invested player base.

I just gave up with it. I’m glad a ton of people are having fun with it, but having to readjust that much to a shooter as well as the “building” controls (something I don’t find remotely fun in the first place) just doesn’t do it for me. 

Usually I’m against pay to win, but if you pay $72,000 for a card you should damn well be able to actually use it. 

>Basically the concept is going to be that a lot of people around the world are trying to become the new god of lies

Lol child, you literally have no idea what generation I am from.

Jesus Christ, how do you not get it yet? Do I need to write it out in crayon for you?

Pretty sure you just reinforced his point perfectly. 

Well that was 2000% not what I expected. But hey, can’t complain that they’re branching out, and it does look pretty.

Well now I’m just plain curious about your issues with Hellblade. Personally I thought it handled the very fractured and static feel of psychosis and pareidolia, but I want to know what you took issue with.

That shit’s more metal than a Basspro fly lure

As an ex-barista... I can say this thing looks like an absolute nightmare to make. Frapps alone take a stupid amount of time (“Hi, I’d like seven totally different frapps”= 12 minutes minimum and a furious line). 

And with many Starbucks having only one blender, just looking at this saturated monster throws me into a


Not to be rude, but at the current state if you gave any character just an extra “200 shields” they would be gamebreaking OP. Saying Orisa ‘needs’ it just goes to show what dire state she’s in.

Because not every kid takes gaming as seriously as people posting on Kotaku do? just put an unexpected amount of effort into that. Goes appreciated, thanks.

Thanks! Cryptozoic does great work; just got far too into their DC deckbuilding game, so I’ll definitely give this a look as well.

Also also: that’s me to the left in the “Drink When You Die” pic. Drew’s on the right. Guy in the middle isn’t important.

While this was a very well written article (good job), I have to disagree with one major aspect of this article: the fact that an excellent use of open-ended storytelling in Morrowind somehow makes Skyrim ‘worse’.

While being a reincarnation is relatively open ended, it would’ve been borderline impossible to

Amen. I’ve been waiting for that brilliant mechanic to make it into other games for far too long; it really did an exceptional job of keeping you invested emotionally, and am pretty surprised it wasn’t copied sooner.