Paul Marzagalli

P:T (which I'm looking forward to finally replaying now that the EE is forthcoming) has the virtue of being dialed in on its main character. Ultimately, it is a question about yourself (ie The Nameless One).

Thank you for taking the time to write this because you saved me the trouble of doing so. The question is addressed time and time again in the game, in varying ways:

Back in the 1990s in the laserdisc scene, by far and away the most requested thing people wanted brought into an existence was a David Lynch-approved Director's Cut of Dune. Some thirty+ years later, it's still the thing that I would love to see most. The book is excellent, but I am a huge fan of the movie as its own

My favorite part of Jack Reacher was Herzog's character's deep confusion at why no one ever takes the "bite your own fingers off" option. :-D

More like Roger Rabbit, since it's all about transit. :-)

A Barry Bostwick article without Megaforce is not an article. I'm giving this one an incomplete, AV Club. Go back, get the Megaforce details, and return this when you have done so.

*Fantastic* historical analogy! Absolutely spot-on. Rasputin approves.

The Dragonstone scene was great and did a good amount to develop both characters. It again showed Melisandre as a master manipulator while offering some insights about her views on religion, truth, men, and the greater good.

Thank you for writing this. If anything derails Game of Thrones before it finishes, it will be the collective work of reviewers snarking on this theme going forward - people who will nitpick a show to death without ever having the ability to write a show of that quality themselves.

Velociraptor defeated by gymnastics and Mysteriously disappeared in the the third act Vince Vaughn say "no".

My favorite movie review ever was for this film from Entertainment Weekly. Long story short, when the DVD came out, they did a review that ultimately scored it this way:

Martell is using an illegal substance! He should be fined and suspended, Monsoon!


I am happy to finally see some serious pushback against this ridiculous meme amongst reviewers apparently still bucking to earn an A in their film crit class.

Most on-point comment in any of the three AV Club GoT articles this week, including that ridiculous diabtribe by Sonia.