I can so totally pull of Ken. A fat hairy Ken, but I can make it WORK.
I can so totally pull of Ken. A fat hairy Ken, but I can make it WORK.
Mmm, you would be wrong. Westen is a pretty new youtuber who started out of his homes tiny garage with a bunch of what look like high school buddies buying used already broken or wrecked stuff and fixing them with whatever they had. This usually led to the inevitable broken again state of his builds with much hilarity…
Here’s my take, previous owner wanted a pool or coy pond, then marriage went bad. Things got ugly and wife now ex-wife wanted half of everything. So owner dumps car in the beginnings of his pool/pond and has it covered up because he needs to hide any extra money and doesn’t want the ex to have the car. Done and done.
Interesting I have an older Carrera S and my dealer sent me a letter yesterday offering me a pre- release 2023 Carrera S upgrade with trade in of my older S. I was like mmmm, no. I”m almost through paying off the old one, I don’t need to knock it up again.
One door looks different shade or tonal color, maybe a fender bender? Still ND.
The original was better looking for sure.
That is the scores for an F150. The F250 in this litigation may be similar but not necessarily the same.
Because they think their modded up disasters are cool and want EVERYONE to see them. They fail to realize how ridiculous they look and nobody outside of their middle school minds gives a shit.
At 95-grand, Ford should have included active air suspension and an option for smaller and less ugly wheels. Both of those things would have lowered the truck a few inches enough to fit in any 6'5" parking garage.
I hear a lot of whining. It’s an Island with limited resources. You get what you can and move on. So it isn’t new or special or necessarily what you are used to or want, whatever. First world problems.
The front clip without the diffuser would look extremely weird. Even then it’s to much chin no offense to the Chinese name.
If this is in the US, that money is GONE!. I remember when people were getting that federal incentive money and I heard one woman saying she was going to get a new phone with her check. I was thinking really?
It won’t happen but I would say get rid of the steering wheel completely. I used to game old racing sims like first NFS, Dirt and Colin McCrae rally racing with a big analog Flight Sim joystick. Forward is just forward, reverse is just backward, left was just left and right was right. any space in between the…
Yes but she was carving I (heart) moose. Ironic, isn’t it?
Ru Roh
Yea, that’ll teach her! lol
This seems more of a British faux-pa, of NOT providing world leaders with secure and more dignified manner of transportation befitting their status. I’m sure the royal family didn’t arrive in a shuttle. It’s not like the Brits don’t have limousines at least. It might have taken a few more than a shuttle but more…
It isn’t saber rattling if the current situation is all true. What true diplomats would do is keep a percentage of the current supply chains tied to foreign resources and make a big show of it, but mandate at least 40% be sourced in the US as a prudent plan B. This is in case of future virus pandemics or large…