
I can so totally pull of Ken.  A fat hairy Ken, but I can make it WORK.

Mmm, you would be wrong. Westen is a pretty new youtuber who started out of his homes tiny garage with a bunch of what look like high school buddies buying used already broken or wrecked stuff and fixing them with whatever they had. This usually led to the inevitable broken again state of his builds with much hilarity

Here’s my take, previous owner wanted a pool or coy pond, then marriage went bad. Things got ugly and wife now ex-wife wanted half of everything. So owner dumps car in the beginnings of his pool/pond and has it covered up because he needs to hide any extra money and doesn’t want the ex to have the car. Done and done.

Just exactly how long does it take to determine if the impact changed the orbital direction of the the twin asteroids?  It seems obvious to have changed the smaller body dramatically if its orbit is that reduced.  Is that the main result then?  All they ever talk about is the pretty plumes.

Well it wouldn’t be all that sad and egregious, I mean Europe has Carnaval season, I remember from bar hopping in Spain and it’s like adult Halloween in many ways. Back to the sad and egregious part is that maybe 2% of the people dressed in these travesties of taste will NOT look anything like these pretty fake models

I would have played one of the kingpin elves.  Because the elves need more diversity.  They could have used a more robust hairy not so stuck up kind of elven hero.

Hands down the 997 3.8 GT3 wing.

Interesting I have an older Carrera S and my dealer sent me a letter yesterday offering me a pre- release 2023 Carrera S upgrade with trade in of my older S. I was like mmmm, no.   I”m almost through paying off the old one, I don’t need to knock it up again.

I ordered mine on newegg day of. According to tracking it should be here tomorrow. I built a whole new system for the beast using a rog strix x670E and a 7950x to cut down on the bottlenecks as much as possible along with 6000 DDR5 memory.  Yes I also had to include a 1050w PS.  The new rig is currently running my old

One door looks different shade or tonal color, maybe a fender bender?  Still ND.

In the 70's there was a concerted will by not only the government but also the people to push the vaccine through. Covid proved that the government no longer has the will to push anything through with half of it disseminating misinformation and making everything political regardless if it is meant to safe lives.

I’m old school I prefer Leagues and paces.

This is easy. An orange Lamborghini Miura. If this doesn’t impress and outdo, everyone at the reunion was already dead from nerve gas before I even arrived.

The original was better looking for sure.

That is the scores for an F150.  The F250 in this litigation may be similar but not necessarily the same.

Hail Hydra.

Because they think their modded up disasters are cool and want EVERYONE to see them.  They fail to realize how ridiculous they look and nobody outside of their middle school minds gives a shit.

At 95-grand, Ford should have included active air suspension and an option for smaller and less ugly wheels. Both of those things would have lowered the truck a few inches enough to fit in any 6'5" parking garage.

Interesting bell guy is a fan of “classical jizz” ....?? Hey, I’m sure he’s lonely out there in that tower.

I hear a lot of whining.  It’s an Island with limited resources.  You get what you can and move on.  So it isn’t new or special or necessarily what you are used to or want, whatever.  First world problems.