
For 20Grand it should come with Daphne.... and Fred...(cough)(cough)...

It’s the Elon Musk mentality. Promise all the wonderful stuff soon (for investors) but either ignore the promises when the time comes around, wave a shiny new thing at the people or blame someone else for the failure. Rinse and repeat. This also works for politicians.

The other side the front clip doesn’t align with the fender.  I’m wondering if it got hit at some point.  Not enough to total maybe just a bender.

I used to want one of these as a kid but the design hasn’t aged well.  This is one person’s pet but it’s to personalized and complicated overall.  The price would have been meh stock but not so much like this.  ND

spoken like a true christian........

Ok, I”ve seen like so many tacky Lamborghinis and other exotics painted up or wrapped in ridiculous colors and patterns but this guy(assuming its a guy) puts a couple of little stickers on the inside of the door with absolutely no other mods to the cars outside and its suddenly a “Boomer move” ?????? wth

I’d still take this over the Tesla Truck design.

So correct me if I’m wrong but it’s PART of a lubricant that is used on a machine that STARTS the engine of the F35 and they are halting production of the WHOLE plane over this???? WTbloodyH  Oh no, we’re all breathing air that once was breathed in by people in China.  Quick lets all stop breathing.

I love it.  This is a rear bumper delete and fender mounted rear view mirror mod away from being perfect.  NP

$1,000 good grief, that’s a LOT of totaled Priuses (Pri-i?)

My homes value and taxes shot up this year, like a lot and I was flooded with “offers” on refinancing even though the house is paid for. I was like no, I don’t have a mortgage and I don’t want one now....., again. I’m trying to streamline and minimize my life not make it more complicated and potentially catastrophic.

trumps a con artist and always has been. He bullshits and lies out of his ass constantly so much so that he has become expert at it which is a fine quality for con artist. He doesn’t have a religious bone in his body nor does he really give a rats about the right wingers but he knows who he can con the easiest. It’s

I thought this was Bezos new yacht?

Two things. For a Pinanfarina design this is straight up Fiat Panda looks. Second for an up scale Rayton Fissori coach builder or whatever, its just leather and wood slapped on factory surfaces. It’s all called in design. ND

This is Bat-Girls car.

I picked up the original somewhere cheap and I enjoyed the kitshy, weird kind of gross stuff of the original Prey and was looking forward to an updated version. This new Prey was not like that and I eventually just quit the game because it was so different.

This is one of those posts where I see the car, see the price and go straight to ND.  These people are smoking some strong stuff.

I say federalize the railroads. I know the right wingers asses are puckering because the government is involved but a broken national railroad system is also a national security issue. In a national emergency the rail system has to be top notch because it can be called on to ship vast amounts of military personnel and

I want the foot button that switches high beams and the crotch vent cooler back.  That’s all.

I thought drugs were a bespoke feature of a Bentley.