
I don’t let anyone but me drive my vehicles because no matter what the intention you are responsible.  Second I have known people who will treat your stuff like careless crap just because. I’m assuming they feel it’s because it’s not theirs or something deeper but I have learned not to allow that to happen to me

You buy, invest in updating patent and sit back and start suing big companies that infringe on your patent, which they will.  Mo money, mo money.

The poor guy was understandably freaked...., or he could have been Swedish.

Ha ha but this whole camera system is a fail if it can’t even figure out if there is an actual AUTOMOBILE attached to whatever it’s trying to detect.

I would say nice price but only after a mechanics inspection.

How would we know.  Jalops don’t buy new cars we just comment on them.

The Gucci Seville in the picture and the Hot Wheels model are not even the same model.

Not compared to the Countach but even that didn’t look so garish without the wing.

In China the Buick brand is a well respected high end car brand.  This would be snatched up in a microsecond.  Alas we are not in China and this is a solid ND.

So you bring in the Aventador trade it in for a Kia Forte and cash out on the rest.  I think its called money laundering.

Oh the huge manatee!!!

I have seen many Japanese track competitions where the home field advantage is very obvious and the Japanese have great pride in their engineering so it is rare you will see a non-Japanese car get the upper hand because there is always just enough bias and limit set up against them.  Often its just the nature of the

This is an interesting argument for the billionaires club because I think even the millionaires would think twice about this investment.

This is a completely valid point. 

Oof, these responses, I guess Tesla has built a car that has superseded the need to use your brain as well. There are two possibilities with this accident, one the car may have been going 60 but it managed to brake enough so that at the point of impact wasn’t at as high of a speed and resulting in a less severe impact

3rd gear interesting how the Brits never even mention Brexit as being a factor in supplies and poor sales even though it is brought up on other news sectors and for other industries.

Is it me or was the airport fire department on a break that day? 

Notice the covered up front side fake intakes that are wholly unnecessary and will surely be black with all kinds of fake slats that don’t really function in an attempt to make the car somehow look more menacing.

He shit on everyone including his own country, what’s your point?

I think the point back then was to look cool but not necessarily be cool.  Remember all your car buddies knew deep down it was a POS, the high school ladies for the most part did not.  Point in your favor.