
Yes it contains that sentence fragment.

Uh… what?!

The Declaration was written to serve two primary purposes:

yes, fantastic point. precisely the same. this explains why Jack Reacher, for instance, was greeted with a deluge of critical pieces orgasmic in their praise for that movie's feminism. because they're the exact same thing. brilliant.

wrong post

i think capitalizing SMASH evened it out though

if you have a better explanation for why an extended chase scene has been universally lauded by critics i'd love to read it. i should think my explanation is not the least bit controversial - there are innumerable articles praising the film for its 'feminism', which is to say for presenting a vision of mankind as


"When a bunch of egghead critics go apeshit for a big-budget action flick
that’s basically one long chase sequence, to the point where they
collectively prefer it to any number of tiny art films that explore the
human condition, something truly seismic has occurred"

And to whom should I pass along that "hint", since I did no such thing?

AT LAST people will finally hear about that oft-overlooked, little examined and rarely acknowledged event, the Holocaust.

Jason Robards?

I cannot wait to see the righteous fury of AV Club readers when they eventually Blackwash™ James Bond.

Fortunately literally no one on planet earth - not one living, breathing human being - was *actually* upset, offended or even mildly bothered by this casting choice. What we have here is a bit of semantic confusion - when a person today deems something "offensive" what he means is that he has happily found a thing

The thing to take away from this article is that women are emotional beings who need to have their delicate feelings protected. Maybe each woman in the entertainment industry should be assigned a strong man to shield her from unsavory comments and perhaps stand by with smelling salts should she come down with a case

"Variety reports that the WWE has dropped the wrestler from its roster and scrubbed any mention of him from its website"


"Much like the show itself, the video argues Peggy’s toughest mission is actually sexism in the workplace"
Sounds like literally the worst spy adventure of all time.

"Kurt Cobain embodied the appreciation of both populism and obscurity,
the harnessing of cock rock toward more clever, sensitive, and
subversive ends"