Paul K

Which is how the vast majority of both employees and contractors get paid.  Most people who get paid for work, be it hourly, salary, employed or contract, don’t get a breakdown of what their work product is billed at.  If I’m building a house and I hire a guy to paint it, and he wants $2,000 for the work, I pay him

I don’t need to wonder.

I think just randomly tickling the same kid is creepier. Especially, if as posited in the article, the kid is cranky and some family member would just prefer it if they looked happy. But the point isn’t that one episode of non-consensual tickling is going to ruin a kid, but that by always asking, you’re teaching them

I love hearing everyone complain about rent control. If you can no longer afford to live in the city, move out, you’re living beyond your means. “I would love to live in Monaco but can’t afford it, can the government please force a property owner to cut the rent so I can stay!” OH, only those making deep 6 figures

100% this..

I wish I had more stars to give you. Thank you. 

It doesn’t take my data, and sell it on the open market.

Because once they become a commodity with only incremental change year-to-ytear, people will stop upgrading year-to-year.

Pixel Buds work with other devices just fine, but without the Assistant. You can’t use Siri on Android devices with the Airpods. This is the same thing.

Which is clearly not the case here, since “ludonarrative” is literally the word coined to describe exactly what this trophy represents. Using the precise word isn’t smug, it’s communication. (And, in this case, really damn funny.)

Anti-intellectualism is such a sad and potentially destructive trend in our culture.