Paul Kinsey

That’s a pretty common feature of politics. Like the Republican rush to claim Lincoln as the exemplar of their party should naturally imply that the southern states were on the wrong side of the Civil War, but it’s never quite phrased that way in rightwing circles. Climate change is finding general acceptance in a

Yep. Switching positions and then pretending that you always believed in the position currently held is as American as apple pie.

One strange, frustrating feature of the politics around the Iraq War is that a broad consensus has emerged that the war was a colossal mistake, without any corresponding acknowledgement that the people saying that in 2003 were right. I suspect that many of the people who were eager to vilify the Dixie Chicks in 2003

Which, Mr Kinsey, is a woefully underrated film from a by-gone era of simple, no-nonsense, action films.

Which also had Samuel L Jackson in it. Coincidence???

From the blond hair-dyeing, through wise-cracking Jackson, right down to the ice-skating - which, by the way Vaughn, THAT’S NOT HOW ICE-SKATING WORKS.

“All I was doing was waving my hand within an inch of his face and shouting ‘I’m not touching you! I’m not touching you!’ and the guy freaks out and hits me!”

“I refused to because I’m like, ‘I feel really uncomfortable right now and this is the only evidence,” Fox said.

Looks to be heading towards similar box office success.

It’s the problem with all of the major awards. All too often, the award is for a body of work, not the individual performance that wins the award, leaving the better individual works in the category in the cold. Which then often leads to those artists getting an award later to make up for the oversight, leaving some

If you just assume that any legacy act that seems out of place among more contemporary nominees is going to win, you won’t ever be surprised or disappointed. There are obviously enough senior citizens among the voters to swamp the remainder who split votes among newer artists. Runner-up expectation goes to acts who at

They hired Jim Gaffigan for the wrong ‘low quality food stuffed with filling’ movie, swing and a big miss!

For fuck’s sake, you must have the most limited palate of any adult, ever.

This fucking website.

Any sane person would take a producer’s share of the box office on a move that made $1.4 billion over an Oscar nomination. The Oscars are also not the be-all-end-all of movie success - Barbie was the most successful movie of the year, widely critically acclaimed, spawned a million think pieces, has won other awards,

I don’t use Twitch and have never seen a single second of a Pokimane stream. That said, I am very aware that she’s got a pretty significant following of millions of people, and other gaming outlets are reporting on this as well.

Sooooo, that’s probably why.

You’re not sure why a gaming website would report on the retirement of a high profile gaming streamer?

so you don’t think Moriarty needed all that plastic surgery because she’s already young and hott?

“It was wrong of Megyn Kelly to speculate about a woman’s plastic surgery with no evidence. Now here’s some speculation about her plastic surgery.”

And of course, if she has that’s her business and nothing for any of us to concern ourselves with, as it’s also none of our business if Moriarty has either. (Though, as the article points out, there doesn’t seem to be any evidence of that.) Kelly is a horrible person in general, and I feel like that’s always worth