Paul Kinsey

Good. JM and FH are way too busy and slow where I live. Another option besides slumming it at Subway would be nice.  Bring it!

I would fast travel IRL if I could and I find the city I live in pretty damn interesting lol.

Not quite an explosion but a toaster is a bit different than a socket. There is the cage that holds the bread, which is grounded, and the heating element, which is live. Connecting those two with a fork would cause some sparks to fly. Source: I did something similar with a screwdriver. It evaporated some of the

This.   I love exploring your Cool Open World, guys.  But many of us have limited play time, so being able to spend that time exploring *new* stuff - rather than running back and forth and back and forth and back and forth through places I’ve been dozens of times already - is really nice.

Exactly this. I need games to respect my time. And part of that means not forcing me to retread the same path over and over again. If I could fast travel in real life, I would and it would have nothing to do with how dull or interesting it is along the way. Time is precious.

Travel is boring? That’s not true. It’s only an issue because your game is boring

If anything, being thrown “A Wild Random Event Appeared!” every 10 meters walked in tall grass will make me want to Fast Travel even more. An annoying open world is so much worse than a boring one.

You say that now, but wait until the game throws some obstacles in your way to make traversal more “interesting.” Doesn’t that sound fun?

“While riding one, you might find the path blocked by goblins and have no choice but to get off and join the battle. Then as you do, a Griffin might swoop in and destroy the entire cart with one blow, forcing you to walk the rest of the way while cursing its name,”

I don't necessarily agree. It *can* indicate that the world is boring, but oftentimes it's just that I'm doing a specific thing and I just want to get that thing done ASAP. Either I want the reward at the end of whatever I'm doing or I'm engrossed in the story being told and don't want to get distracted. 

Reminds me of Reagan’s co-opting of Born in the USA in ‘84, Springsteen needing to come out and say stop using my song.

$13.6M for an individual. If you are married, you have to be worth $27.2M to owe any estate taxes.

I think it’s kids and money. As parents and kids get older, they become concerned with how their kids are going to make in when they leave the house, and they become susceptible to the Fox News narrative that the Democrats are really Socialists who want to take everyone’s money.

This site in its current form has no idea how to wield sarcasm, or which targets to go after, so it just kinda flails around in all directions at once.

Most trays are designed to feed six to eight people. If you purchase any of these for carryout with your Date Night Pass, you can bring home a meal big enough to portion out and eat all week. Suddenly that $200 purchase has more utility beyond dining out.”

Yeah, but it’s Applebee’s. Their food is terrible.

It’s far more likely that your buddy is either full of shit or only going to chain pizza joints.

My mind went straight to beignets, before I realized that there was a letter between the “G” and “N.

My  mistake was going too fancy - I thought it was spelling Bagels & Beignets - not Bagels and Doughnuts!

Yeah 2023 in hindsight is gonna be seen as one of the great years in film.  It was really excellent, so yeah, there are bound to be more than a few deserving films that get overlooked.