If only to poof them to keep them from doing something stupid like trying to kill Steven or report back to Homeworld.
If only to poof them to keep them from doing something stupid like trying to kill Steven or report back to Homeworld.
Well, we have to take the good with the bad. On the bad side, Steven has finally started to accept the fact that there are just some people that can't be made into friends. He's started to accept that his mother had to do terrible things for a good cause. He's had to more or less kill someone to save himself. On the…
Well, this has turned into a cautionary example about the dangers of creating super-soldiers, hasn't it? Pink Diamond decided that the best way of celebrating the opening of a new colony was to create a new kind of Quartz warrior: one with the intellect of a Sapphire. The problem was that the prototype went rogue and…
It started out like a cute little thing that had Lapis and Peridot acting like an old married couple, turned into the Social Darwinism show and WHAM….Big Fun herself sinking the dink….before turning into Jasper dropping the real bomb about Pink Diamond. Bismuth has a LOT to answer for here. An AWFUL lot.
The one where the ghosts of outlaws dry-gulch a TV cowboy because they bloody hate looking at Not!Rawhide.
Of course it's convenient. He doesn't want to face the fact that the man would have liked more than a damned ham sandwich because he's kind of stupid and mean-spirited.
Yeah. Before that, I wondered why Bismuth's leading export was pointy things. After she trotted out her little toy, I stopped wondering.
Well, yeah. Bismuth made them. That's a feature, not a bug.
I was worried that they'd have to use their new weapons on her for a while. And, yes, Steven is better than Rose was. An honest leader would have warned her followers that one of them had gone mad with the desire for revenge.
No. He hasn't opened his God-damned eyes since Leone compared him to a block of marble.
Your average right-wing imbecile whining about something-for-nothing is like this hamster: a pseudo-tough guy who doesn't understand that Sandwich Guy would clearly have preferred a real job with a living wage to being an object lesson for the sort of moron actor Serling slammed once in an episode of the Twilight Zone.
We need a petition to change Change.org's name to Whitepersonproblems.sinkhole.
The problem is that Amethyst has known that she's not the size she should be since she emerged from Kindergarten fifty centuries and change ago. Steven's only been worried about living up to his mother's legacy for a mere decade. She has seniority feeling like she doesn't measure up.
Well, he CAN release a stylistic parody that highlights the fact that fame turned the Purple Pain into a humorless, paranoid dicktard so dense, light bent around him.
Butthurt much, WGBH Boston? Once it's in the public sphere, all you can do IS whine.
This is clearly leading up to something unpleasant that's been in the works for a long time: the LAST TEMPTATION OF AMETHYST. She's an overcooked runt who feels lost because she doesn't actually know what she's good for and might thus do something rash that inconveniences her benefactors. Peridot and Lapis Lazuli at…
Yes…..that could also be the case. The problem is that it could backfire on her.
While he can sort of articulate what Corruption means, he can't quite tell the others why Jasper terrifies him because he's got no way of explaining what being a junkie is. He MIGHT, on the other hand, realize that if Jasper tries to fuse with those gems, she herself will lose herself to the Diamond Sanction.
Oh, right. He could also be like Kumada from the original Sailor Moon anime: a rich kid Looking For Authenticity.
That explains the farmer's tan. His few relatives ARE farmers. Hey…..maybe they had a dog that kept protecting them from monsters only to be crapped on by the old fart in the ball cap.