Paul Jones

I'm beginning to think that this need for new things Rose has is why she started the rebellion and it's why she decided to create a Gem that can grow up. As for Greg, he's probably not got much of an extended family. We never hear of any so it's easy to assume that he's a cheerful orphan boy in his early forties.

Well, not in a kids' cartoon, no. This is, however, more than something whimsical for the tinies.

The interesting thing is not just that Lapis sort of misses being part of a hate-sex monster or that Jasper might as well have had a sign saying "Abusive ex playing mind games" hanging from her neck. The interesting thing is the NEW lyrics. We're clearly dealing with someone who regrets mistreating the person she's

This only looks like a throwback. What it is actually is a reminder of just how awful the Diamond Authoirty is. The Centis (who I want to call Jadeites) were loyal Homeworld soldiers who got caught in their master's trap because of sheer bad luck…..and now Steven has to wonder how much of his earlier fun is tainted by

It's sort of in character that it took him a while to understand the (rather obvious) dilemma Kiki was facing. It seems to me that the point of this "Why We Fight" arc is to work on something that the Gems can't help him with: his people skills.

I noticed it took him a while to get things right. This seems to be the point of this "Why we fight" sequence: working on his people skills.

His topknot looks like a slice of pizza. He doesn't realize it either.

I think it's cute that Fryman has no idea that his hairstyle reminds people of French fries. Learning that he and Kofi have no idea that they don't intend to look like their product will help steven understand people better. As for Ronaldo, it's sort of a bummer that he's t The Boy Who Cried Space Lizard. Maybe Steven

Kevin and Marty seem to be part of a continuum of douchiness. Both skeezes seem to see themselves as the measure of all things because they think it's great to be dicktards. Meanwhile, Steven's starting to learn to see through people like him which will finally help him understand Laramie.

Not much, I don't think. All he remembers is that for some reason, Steven and the weird looking women seem to be connected to all the crazy stuff in town and he doesn't like crazy much.

Oh, goody. He's on the Five Year Plan then. I wonder how many times he's repeated grades.

I'd say that she's in her twenties….and she's dating a high school junior.

That would require Steven to really understand Lars. Wander 'gets' Hater on a level Steven cannot.

He hinted at the reason for his permanent disaffection when he muttered about how WEIRD the place is. He might be a goofy kid mad at the world everywhere else BUT putting him in a place where normal things don't happen very often and people just shrug them off is doing a number on Laramie.

They need planets with functioning biospheres to absorb.

I've always thought that the end game was somehow creating a world of Stevens. After all, the Cool Kids map nicely into the Crystal Gems for something of a reason.

Possibly…but none as rich as the one Yellow Diamond wants blown up out of spite.

This diminishing resources thing bothers me. It seems as if Rose might have accidentally on purpose doomed Gemkind to extinction because of her love of humanity.

Well, Cracked thinks the worst of MLP fans anyway so this is going to be "man writes fanfic where he has sex with Fluttershy" to them…despite a lot of bronies being violently ill.

Well, he was the only person who could have gotten them talking. It's not much but it's a start. Now all he needs to do is get the other three into the conversation.