The interesting thing is trying to figure out how to tie in the new lyrics to these breather episodes. The line about why the person singing (Rose) doesn't see herself as being nearly as special as the person she's singing to (Steven himself) sort of hints at the broader theme: Rose Quartz gave up her physical form so…
The quote.
Well, we sort of don't heed a Season Three. We know that Wander will eventually wear Hater down and turn him into a friend. It's happened so many times before and it'll happen many times afterward.
If I didn't know Red was a Russian, that 'window' thing would tell me she was Russian.
Say my name.
Great. After they take down Rita, they can go after Gus Fring.
The depressing thing is that they don't actually know that Sylvia's simple act of kindness has brought hope to the galaxy.
Hmmm. I wonder if he'll be the 'face' of a recall.
Hmmm. I should think that next week is going to take place a few months later after the fall-out from the death of Samaritan settles down a bit.
It's better than laying down and dying in the face of pure evil.
I can't help but wonder how much his narrow focus on helping has made things worse. I should think that the point of the last episode would be to ram that point home.
Greeeeat. A two-episode long cyber-intervention to get his head glued on straight. Jinkies. I'm stoked.
I have a horrible suspicion that the Machine Unleashed would decide that maybe Finch is expendable after all. She was designed to do good, not let a crazy man wreck the world to get another crazy man.
I wonder what other eighties properties can be brought forward. Perhaps it's time for a gritty reboot of Rainbow Brite.
Great. A litigious idiot with a silly name.
If it ends here like this, I'm fine with it. Adam Reed told the story he wanted to tell. A story about a man who heedlessly ran towards his own needless death. Any follow-up would show that the world will go on spinning with one less goofola the less.
Rubies aren't expected to question, they're expected to do a Zerg rush. The only one that ever did ask questions is half of Garnet.
Archerly will just be as stupid as the meat Archer was so we're good to go.
Dominator's heartless rage sort of speaks for itself, doesn't it? Hater is just an insecure jerk who wants to push people around to make himself feel better about himself but Dominator, she's a motive-free monster straight out of a superhero movie.