Paul Jones

The original ending Chase had planned also said that. What would happen is that we'd get a reverse of the opening sequence in which Tony descended into the bowels of the city to do evil. This phase with the psychiatrist was just another part of his life as a medium-level soldier in organized crime.

The original ending Chase had planned also said that. What would happen is that we'd get a reverse of the opening sequence in which Tony descended into the bowels of the city to do evil. This phase with the psychiatrist was just another part of his life as a medium-level soldier in organized crime.

Why do I think that her clever idea will feed into the finale? She wants the Doctor to admit something too, after all. Davros is all about how compassion is a lie because Skaro taught him that. The Master is all about how 'lesser' life forms aren't really important and she wants the Doctor to admit that.

But admitting "Hey, maybe I'm a repellent creep" is not what people who go on shows like that do. Inspector Gadget has more self-awareness and they replaced HIS brain with a helicopter engine.

She doesn't actually seem to obsess over losing to Hatch. According to Dalton Ross, this irritates Jeff who wants angst and anger.

Of course Shirin is 'the problem.' The narrative structure and locker room mentality of the idiot host mandate that she be the problem.

Isn't it nice knowing that Abi still has the self-awareness of a thumbtack? It makes watching her make a paranoid, belligerent and noisy fool of herself more fun because she'll never know why people laugh at her. Also, Shirin still loves to talk and talk and talk.

What he doesn't realize is that Davros is also inevitable. My inner jerk says that some Kaled would come along and ask "Oi! You with the funny gun. Why are you pointing it at the escapee from the Home for Criminally Insane Children?"

Knowing Mike, he probably also quoted Scripture a lot.

God, what an idiot. I hope Hannibal Burress sits on his chest and sews his lips together.

Wow. A muscleheaded cracker getting nailed for casual racism. If only every group could make the commissar vanish when they do something stupid.

One of these days, she's got to show a map of her version of the US.

I don't know about that. They did send them to Gravity Falls for a dumb reason…they didn't want them underfoot all summer.

Great. This means that Dipper will grow into a jerk and Mabel into a failure. Thanks for the sour persimmons, Hirsch.

Great. Bring in Barbara and Chatterton and the thing can come full circle.

When Capaldi said Twelve was a punk-rock Time Lord, he wasn't kidding. Most people would assume that when this guy shows up, he's gonna talk about the indie scene in early eighties Glasgow.

It's a station wagon. Weird. I was expecting a VW Kombi.

There used to be another asshole Canadian talking out of his ass called Gordon Sinclair. He talked out of his ass about fluoridation in drinking water because fluorine is fluorine is fluorine.

OH, goody. Piper's mutating into Heisenberg on us. Good luck fitting in on the outside.

So he's Hal instead of Heisenberg. Cool.