"Elite Mook."
"Elite Mook."
The phrase you're looking for when you want to describe Peridot is "Elite Mook."
That could happen later on.
Great. Super. A solemn, big-budget adaptation of Smurfette's origin story from the animated series from like a zillion years ago.
And less self-aware.
Having Bateman say "Hey, hi. We're doing a version of Song Of The South that isn't horribly dated and racist" would be more accurate but be less snarky, stupid and overly complex.
A Power Rangers movie played dead serious makes as much sense as a cafe on the moon. The whole thing looks like a fist fight has broken out at Comic-Con and should be treated accordingly.
Oh, well. At least you didn't reference Dudley Do Right.
I can see them recasting Dexter of Dexter's Lab when they finally get around to rebooting that because the original voice actor passed on a little while ago. I can see a whole new voice cast to match updated artwork. What I cannot see is replacing the girls and leaving every other voice actor in place.
The man is a douchecanoe, that's for sure. He'll probably destroy everything convinced that he's actually the hero of the story.
Great. Now you have me thinking about the Cookie Monster In Rehab cutaway on Family Guy.
So this means that on the next Heroes Versus Villains thing, Mike will be wearing the Lone Star Flag board shorts again.
They must have watched them and decided that they didn't need to subject the public to that much drivel any longer.
They don't have them any longer. They also don't have that stupid Fallen Comrades thing.
Oh, really? It had nothing at all do to with the fact that said mother's brilliant response to finding out she could open that gate no problem was not to act like a smart person and buy a kid-proof latch but to do the stupidest possible thing: advise her to ask someone because she's too dumb to remember that to a…
I came away with the impression that she was insulting dead fish.
Which is pretty much the reaction the artist wanted you to have. That way, you're distracted from the imbecilic negligence of her oblivious mother. Sparky Schulz is the best friend she ever had and even HE wondered where her parents were and why they did nothing to stop her.
Great. You've turned him into the mother in the comic strip For Better Or For Worse. Now I have the mental image of him accusing Mike of killing Farley the dog.
The man inspires cringing in disgust, doesn't he? Watching him boast at Ponderosa about how he should have been a bigger douche and groan about how awful people are when they don't service his monstrous ego only serves to make us feel pity for those who don't have the option of changing the channel when he starts…
My funniest moment is when Dan was beating his head on the table because he couldn't vote for None Of The Above. The man simply doesn't realize what a horrible person everyone who doesn't feel compelled to lie to his face sees.