Maybe he did.
Maybe he did.
Well, it doesn't take a genius to realize that this will all happen again about the time Ronnie Raygun debates Carter. It'll be a different Leonard but he'll be offering Don the same message of 'renewal.'
What they need to do to space James up is to have him channel a little bit of PCap when he gets ticked up. Having House mutate into the All-Swearing Eye would at least give him character.
They should have just made it a Rick and Morty crossover.
That's the thing about him. He thinks he's the wingnut holding society together when he's just a wingnut. He's never gonna see what a dick he was to Shirin because she made the mistake of not stroking his monstrous ego. We'll find that out when he goes on one of those creepy-ass Men's Right's sites.
The annoying thing is that Dan is sitting at home, watching himself be an unbearable douchecanoe given a villain edit and coming away with the impression that he did play a respectable game and is beloved and smart and right…..because he's so stupid, he needs a spotter to breathe.
I'm half-way convinced that the Hal Jordan concussion theory of the DC Universe is correct. Everything that's happened since 1975 is a hallucination brought on by years of his getting knocked on the head because the blue dudes forgot to give him a helmet.
Oh, great. Green Lantern is about to make the scene. Ah, well. At least Barry won't be the dumb one for much longer……
The Disney sitcom….behavioral template for the current bad guy on NCIS. In both cases, we got a washed-up person trying to stay relevant by turning kids into weapons. On the cop show, they're blowing stuff up. In real life, they make us envy the dead.
Well, we've said goodbye to most of everyone now. All that remains is for the great tragedy to play out: Dick's (he can't be called Don any longer) refusal to see that he'd have been better off spending a nickel in Leavenworth.
Let's play some God-damned pool!
Homer can never really stop resenting Ned for having life just a little easier any more than he can forgive Bart for destroying the illusion he has that he can be anything else than the fat, stupid failure he is.
If by 'interesting', you mean horribly irritating. I'd rather have that dimwit NaAwful back.
That's not much of an accomplishment. A fringed lizard could get more votes than Will and Dan.
Ladies and Gentlemen….Rodney: Bitter Jerk Juror who wishes None Of The Above was an option. (Or, better yet, Rodney: Annoying Jerk who's the ideal goat in Final Tribal.)
So we end the current season at the expected point of the hero's journey: The Ordeal. A year from now, we'll be at either the Reward or the Resurrection.
Of course. He's sold himself on the notion that there's no one inside him to answer it.
That makes it kind of a shame that he'll end up selling Datsuns to people in Manitoba.
Yep. Given how close he was to the border in the last scene, I expect the last scene to be set in 1975. It'll have some dude in Winnipeg watching the news and watching an ad that has Dick Whitman invite him to drop on down to Whitman's Chev-Olds for a great deal on an import car.
Maybe he might finally find out who he is and what he's there for.