Paul Jones

Well, Krieger'll have something to do afer all…..put more parts on Puke Skywalker.

I can understand her deal. Cosby's got two faces and she got the one with the goofy smile. It's the women she'd have us forget that got the one with the predatory leer.

I liked how they kept referring to him as a magician….nice little call back to "Time Heist."

Well, at least no one said "Do you want ants? Because THIS is how you get ants!"

Oh. god……this frees Watterson to do a guest shot of Law and Order: SVU…….

Hmm. Time for someone balanced to rid the world of someone who ain't. That's the difference between Korra and Kuvira: one has achieved it and one is running away from it.

He would, however, have given it a memorable mercy killing.

They should have had Capaldi show up telling them that their show was an omnishambles.

I liked the look on Missy's face when Probst reminded her that the game wasn't "Politely smile and hand a buttload of money to someone you're too stupid to betray." That little clue-by-four was kinda needed.

Getting rid of ultra-boring Jaclyn would be the smart thing to do so since no one is very smart here, it's not going to happen. She's going to coast to Final Three and get no votes. Also, what would happen in Natalie did kill herself on stage? It'd make for an interesting reunion show, that's for sure!

One thing I did notice is that Bob knows about the money Lin won't admit is hidden in her bra drawer. I liked that bit because it reminds us of who these two are.

Well, now that Korra is back in the game, it's time to get busy doing what she needs to do to solve the problem.

Well, this was interesting. People actually playing an idol when they needed to instead of stupidly being voted out without doing so. That almost never happens.

And the sad thing is that the repellent little turd thinks he's this awesome guy who's doing what's right. It's like they made Quaqmire the show-runner.

I find it interesting that the drunker Bob got, the more he acted like Archer. I almost expected him to warn Lin to call Kenny Loggins because she was in the Danger Zone.

Yes. That's the problem. The more compelling story (WHY Missy and Baylor flipped because imbecile Jon said so) was edited out because blindside.

Same deal, I think.

Yep. Bob would rather hang on to a distant friendship than admit that his life is basically slaving away in front of what Sterling Archer called that hot-ass grill eighteen hours a day.

Another nifty example of Milhouses' lack of self-awareness is his taking pride in looking more like Luann than Kirk…..despite the fact that Luann looks like Kirk in drag!!

The interesting part of it for me was Bob's reluctance to admit that Teddy's his friend. Part of him sees the same sad-sack we do and is vaguely repulsed by him.