Paul Jones

Boretus, boremus, boramus….I bored, you bored, he bored…..

I remember that episode myself.

The odd thing is that an alien meddler flying around in a blue box solving mysteries actually also can be a blood-soaked general.

Well, at least we finally see the back end of this "Am I a good man?" crap.

Well, that's the downside of small towns right there….they're small. Oh, crud. I might as well start wearing a pin-stripe suit and sand shoes if I keep saying things like that.

It's Cringe Comedy: The Series.

Her loser rant was especially grating, I thought. A thirty second sound bite about how awful it is to be separated from a man whose departure from her life would be cause for celebration and how terrible people are for resenting the idea of her weaponizing food. Codependency today, codependency tomorrow, codependency

I noticed that he's still so alien, the pornographic possibilities of dark water continue to elude him. That's not important because he's got to fight Cybermen and the Gomez Master.

These people are so incredibly boring, it's not funny. At this point, I'd actually be glad to see familiar faces instead of two sets of unfamiliar screw-ups. Ah, well. Let's just hope that now that the merge is upon us, someone how started out in orange can be a challenge monster now that he or she is no longer

The annoying thing about Mr "Everyday Life Is Just Awesome" is not that he actually believes that but that he's faking it because he can't process the weirdness that keeps him safe. Also, he's on the same page with Twelve in one respect. He doesn't realize that Clara doesn't tell lies….she IS a lie.

Well, now that Korra's got her head back into the game, it's time to restore a bit of balance to the world.

Only more irritating. Ah, well. At least Probst is having a blast watching them suck.

This'll go down as the season with the challenge monsters who suck at camp life versus the worker bees who can't win for losing.

Bang on. The Companion's role is "the one who mourns for the innocent" and none of them are playing their part….thereby leaving it to him. He's not used to being the voice who speaks for the dead and being forced into THAT role saddens and angers him.

Give them time. That's probably an upcoming couch gag.

The 3-D and Mutant Animal Simpsons both came from previous Halloween Specials.

An anime fan would have called her Akane Tendou.

If it weren't for the closed captioning, I'd be telling people he banished the Virus.

Oh, that it definitely would….especially if the Doctor's son was on his third regeneration when he and Susan started their little cosmic joyride.

Remember back when Doctor Constantine said he used to be a husband and father and Nine said he knew the feeling? That tells me that the Tardis is kind of his Batcave because he defines himself by his failures.