Paul Jones

We are looking the the not-small people from the perspective of the inhuman man in the blue box. They might be individuals but to him, they're almost as alien as the Boneless.

The interesting thing about all of this is that it starts to confirm a hunch of mine: Clara is the one we ought to worry about, not the Doctor. He's the well-intentioned alien who can't quite manage to understand the humans he protects, she's the confusing mystery.

"Drew is just that dumb, overconfident guy who thinks he shits roses that everyone else wants to smell."

If this does not make you root for the Daleks, you are not human.

Greeeeeeeat. "Someone ELSE is shoving HIS beliefs down people's throats!! The End Times have come."

If only Odenkirk could become the show runner.

Towards the end of it, the main character wondered when Rose and Jackie would pay the inevitable price for hanging out with 10.

Perhaps at the end of the Christmas special, he shoves her into Danny's arms, says "Oi, PE Teacher!! Watch over this, will you?" and asks Journey if she still wants to hang out.

She needs to lie because they're also deconstructing the role of the Companion. Not only are we finally getting an idea of WHO the Doctor is, we're finding out what it would really like to want to be around him.

This episode reminds me of "Love and Monsters" in that it heralds in the inevitable destruction of the Companion. Clara's path to self-immolation seems to be her emotional dependency on tear-arsing through the cosmos with a charismatic bullshit artist who can't identify with the mayfly-like humans he's trying to

The atmospheric horror thing is slightly less horrifying than realizing Beardo's probably actually Detective Doctor House. Ah, well. At least it beats realizing that Clara is slightly more insane, manipulative and dangerous than the Doctor is.

Well, if anyone can help her get her footing again, it's Toph.

There certainly wouldn't be any of this boring and depressing Pagonging, that's for sure.

Yeah. It isn't as if Burnett could persuade the network to make it like Big Brother and have an episode a day or anything.

This sort of only being good at delivering amusing tribals thing is another reason I wish that the producers would finally get rid of this silly 'divide people into competing teams' thing. America is ready for 'eighteen idiots trying to dismantle each other right out of the bat.'

What made him vital is that he's the unsympathetic old coot whose horrible influence made Homer into the slob he is.

We find ourselves dealing yet again with the central tension of the show: Homer's expectation that Bart be the son Abe wanted him to be because he's wasting his life trying to get praise out of someone who can't spare it and whose opinion is worthless anyway. The series would end if Homer were to realize that Grampa

The problem is that either way, Clara ended up feeling used and that's not a good feeling. Her being used was necessary but it wasn't especially nice or respectful and that's why she told him to bog off.

This is true. The problem as I see it is that there WAS a fixed point in time he DID know about that he had to preserve at all costs: Clara's panicky pleas to the people of Earth kickstarting space travel. Being treated like the tin dog isn't very gratifying and she let him know it.

Again, other people would have seen the problem a lot damned sooner than she did.