
It seems I misread the question, and your reply definitely got me thinking about whether or not my answer still applies. After some thought, I would say yes. Granted, Ralph Lauren is not Jay Leno - he’s not the kind of guy you’d picture going to the pub and drinking a few beers with. But even so, a collection like

Very good write up - but the question is “coolest Collector” not “Coolest Collection”. Of the guy you mention, who do you think is the coolest? I personally find the fashion industry useless and insane and Ralph Lauren seems to embody that completely. I agree his collection is awesome (though I would not vote it

Seinfeld has a lot of great Porsches, but his collection doesn’t exactly demonstrate an appreciation of any aspect of automotive history, culture, or technology beyond that. Glickenhaus is much the same; he just has a hard on Ferraris, and his boasts of owning super-rare and even unique Ferraris is almost a stereotype

The next two are: MAL LLO, which is close to “Malo” in Spanish which means bad.

I’ve always found it more juvenile when Raikkonen splits Button and Perez.....

And let’s be clear here; this tub is NOT an oceanliner, it’s a cruise ship. The only real oceanliner (distinguished from a cruise ship by having a deeper draft and a squarer cross-section for greater stability at sea, among other things) still being used as one is the lovely Queen Mary 2, which coincidentally happens

this would make a good article because most people on the internet think along the following lines: dude, I gotta post this news because it's so hot!

If something is “technically unethical,” then, just like most of ethics, there is obviously a grey zone. We’re not talking about murder here, where things are pretty black-and-white (but what about self defense....). Once you’re in the grey zone, it is most certainly a passing of your personal judgment to label

Of course there are consequences to our actions, but I think you’re focusing on the wrong part of the document leak. The specs were interesting, but the larger picture view of GM’s communications strategies, fears, et cetera are far more interesting.

A spec sheet dude. Keep it in perspective. This isn’t the chassis specs being sold to a rival company. Spec sheets. On an already released chassis.

Paul Jones has asked the Pentagon Papers to please be returned. We don’t need GM’s permission to publish newsworthy information.

Actually, a lot of corporate PR people consider it unethical and underhanded if you publish their news release information before embargo.

GM Spends a lot of money on these events on each attendee. Flights, food, lodging...not to mention the cost and manpower put into the event itself. This analogy that comes to my mind:

I don’t know. I agree with you that it doesn’t seem too smart of GM to be seen as huffy about this sort of thing. But hey - they already made nice by letting Jalopnik be there for this event. They dole these things out to journalists to get coverage. It is entirely up to them. And with a large part of the car media,

I farted in a 2015 Mustang GT tester at Willow Springs right before Matt Farah got in it. At first I felt bad about it, but later I attributed it to adding a dime to his lap time so I now chalk it up as a tiny victory. Don’t tell that to Matt though.