When I was in the 101st Airborne back in the day, and we were deployed to Desert Storm, I remember driving our Humvees (Absolutely no one in the 101st called them "Hummers", ever. "Humvee", "Jeep", or "Gun Jeep", yes) down to Florida to put them on boats to the Middle East, and at all hours day or night, there were…
MKIV Supra's handle like rigid boats. Their cast iron blocks weigh the front end down making the rear end restless, and the suspension geometry is more suited to grand touring than heavy track use. In a straight line they're like cruise missiles, but going through a corner they're next to impossible to maintain a…
You are correct that when we launched the Titan in 2003, we covered about 50 percent of the segment. We've expanded that with the new tract cover a much broader share of the truck market with the new cab, bed, powertrain, and chassis configurations.
Yo Paul Jones! Nice to see you. Happy 2015!
Hold on, slow down. You've got about six or seven different things going on here. And we've got a bit of reckoning to do before I can allow you to take the California under your wing as another contrarian Mustang II case.
1 reason you should: lightweight car with less crap to throw away when you convert it to a race car
There are plenty of reasons to buy base cars.
I had my refutation written in advance... http://oppositelock.jalopnik.com/my-ode-to-the-…
Reasons why you should buy a base model car: It does the each same thing as the more expensive model for less $.
Counterpoint: weight.
Not talk about it. You can just do the right thing without telling everyone. That's not only for issues of racism, it's also just a general rule. You shouldn't need positive reinforcement for being a decent person. Just be one.
Heavens, no! *clutches pearls*
That's a solid choice. Good on her. If it were me I would have gotten one of the old ugly hi-rider models, but with 90 mill, who can blame her for going brand-new?
She sounds like someone who will be enjoying her winnings for years.
I got your back on this one, T.O. I was at a BMW party the other day and I caught myself staring at the blue X6 M for a good five minutes before I said, "Okay, that's just cool."
So what you just said is that Ford took a performance car with low sales, added an automatic and made money hand over fist. But you know manual so the GT350 should just sell a limited number to operate in the black. That makes ZERO sense, let me fix it for you.