
It's a little different here. A troll here tells us our choice in cars is godawful, we can ignore it. A troll posting posting rape gifs in Jezebel is far more likely to get a reaction because the Jezebel readership includes people who have been raped. That kind of trauma resurfacing is harder to ignore than some dummy

A lot of people have been working late to protect our readers while retaining the services we said we'd give them.

I could type up a novel on this, but to be short, you already touched on why "girly" has to mean bad in your comment.

My manhood is un-sacrificed by tea parties with my daughter, pink bike jerseys and knowing how to braid hair. I think it's safe to say that by having a child, raising it and making practical choices not based on what other people think is far more manly than living in fear that some idiot could make fun of you because

Actually, it is plastic. All Corvettes since the 1973 have been Sheet Molded Composite. Fiberglass is part of the composite, but since the C5, the SMC has been 40 percent resin – polyester, vinyl ester, styrene or a blend of all three – 33 percent calcium-carbonate filler, 20 percent chopped fiberglass. The

Grumman. I could give a shit if I had a Challenger. But if I had a Grumman Hellcat please believe I would lose my collective shit.

I understand but I don't see why you care. It affects you and everyone else in no way at all. Do I like seeing people with huge gauge earrings? No. But do I say anything about it or "feel embarrassed" for them? No, it's their life and money and they can do with it as they see fit. In short, unless individuals are

Israel currently enjoys what I term Schrodinger's Warhead

Water is not wet in winter, the sky is not blue at night and airline food food tastes great on the ground. Any other questions?

As a mechanic, I was really impressed seeing my first Saturn. It was a year old, came in for an oil change, while up on the hoist I noticed a drain plug and oil type looking filter on the transmission! What is this sorcery, wow, don't have to pull the pan and make a large mess on the floor, why did it take so long for

I miss my 97 SC2. It was my first car, and just horrible for reliability. Yet, I still loved it. It was actually pretty fun to drive, and I honestly liked the looks of it. But 175k miles, a tranny rebuild, new radiator, new alternator, going Dukes of Hazzard into a cow pasture (seriously, I got some impressive air

With the right setup, the old Saturn S-cars aren't too shabby. For example, if you have a standard S-car, and you swap the PCM from an auto, you just removed the rev limiter. The torque converter was used as the limiter on auto cars. I used to work at a dealer that had a built car for a local speedway. This was one of

I'll concede to your argument. But, I must post this. Not a Veyron

Blow past it, as in break 270. They've already gotten well into the range of rapidly diminishing returns, so unless they can figure out a way to apply those 1500 horses in a more efficient manner - not losing it to drag, friction, etc. - the best you'll be able to do is five, maybe eight MPH on top of the 268.

Anyone else bored with unfathomable amounts of horsepower? I'm starting to wonder what's the point, other than marketing and all. Give me a lightweight driver with minimal computers and a manual box - cayenne, Exige, Z4M Coupe and I'm good.

I always loved the Veyron despite what Youtube 15 year olds say about it being a terrible car because the Hennressy Venom GT and whatever latest Koenigsegg is faster and less complicated and RWD, like they wouldn't crash and burn the moment they touched the throttle with their big toe...