But why is it called the B-Wing? It’s like Apple Jacks - they don’t taste like apple, but they’re still called Apple Jacks. The B-Wing does not look like a “B.”
You forgot a key point about dogfighting: the ability to actually see out of the goddamn thing. Pilot visibility out of the A-Wing, X-Wing, etc. all look pretty terrible, particularly when it comes to rearward visibility. But other than that, they look more or less plausible. The TIE Fighter, on the other hand, with…
Destiny is an interesting game.
Not really. They weren’t purposely under-armored for the sake of additional speed. They were under-armored because they used more powerful guns and new, heavier shells than prior classes used. As a result, even though the used 16-inch guns like their predecessors, the guns on the Iowas were notably more powerful.
Actually, the “all-or-nothing” armor scheme wound up being quite effective, and the Iowas can still trace their lineage to it. If anything, the Iowas were considered under-armored not because of the “all-or-nothing” concept of their belt armor, but because their armor could not stand up to their own broadsides. Their…
“Front-wheel-drive cars tend to be associated with economy cars, not luxury.”
I think you’re missing the point a bit.
JJ Abrams came for Deep Impact, armed with Armageddon - and I said nothing, as I gave zero shits.
That’s exactly right.
I’m not sure what feelings have to do with anything, but if that’s what you want to bring into it, okay. Otherwise, I thought you were looking for a candid, critical discussion. If I was wrong on that, cool. My apologies.
I like your parallel with the IPA, so if you don’t mind, I’ll run with that to help illustrate my point. Say my buddy and I both try an IPA, and I ask him what he thought. Say he didn’t like it. He might say that while he can appreciate the, craft, depth, and complexity of IPAs, he does not like them because he…
Fair point.
That was pretty much my read, too.
Mainly a bunch of people like me: re-directs from Jalopnik that ultimately know next to nothing about riding; I tried riding for a while, though I eventually gave up because I sucked at it and wasn’t showing much improvement.
Sean MacDonald, I believe it was you who made a post about your grand plan to change motorcycle journalism. But you see, journalism is a direct reflection of the culture it exists in at any given time. If you want to change motorcycle journalism, you must first change motorcycle culture. If you want to change…
Congratulations on your finely-tuned sense of irony.
The ones that go to automotive-related sites on the internet to bash any and every car that is not their chosen dream car and judge those that disagree or don’t drive said car - all while not even owning a car themselves (often because they are, in fact, too young to drive and own a car), let alone their chosen dream…
If I could buy you a beer right now, I totally would.
I’d like to see a good, hard look at the interior. From the pictures, it looks dull and lagging behind German rivals in terms of design and aesthetics.