
Right!? I mean, obviously all future warfare will take place in jungles against highly advanced threats, and there will be lots and lots of small, remote, road-side bases which will be perfectly equipped to operate and maintain an advanced, fifth-generation stealth aircraft!

To be fair, that's partially because their variant is the only one worth buying.

I thought that Ewan MacGregor’s Obi-Wan, along with actual attempts at lightsaber fights (the original trilogy lightsaber fights looked like they were just swinging baseball bats around), were the only saving graces of the trilogy. I agree that the character could occasionally be a little cheesy, but that’s what made

Right? And judging by the scale, those airliners are almost as large as the ocean liners, which is kind of ridiculous. Even the gigantic A380 would be positively dwarfed by an Olympic-class liner.

I realize I’m in the minority, and I realize that it would never work, but I still find something about the idea of that giant airport to be utterly fascinating in much the same way I found the idea that the Empire State Building was originally meant to be able to dock Zeppelins is also fascinating.

Then pitching the idea that we all get to have cheap, deadly weapons with unlimited travel in 2 dimensions (or 3 if you’re motivated)

I'm actually quite sure Bar Refaeli is capable of naming many other such athletes, and is well aware of the athlete sections on SI Swim; as one of the most famous SI Swin models of the past decade, she was, after all, there for many of them.

That hat, second from the left. Where the fuck can I get one of those!?

Of course.

Nothing on the Kia Optima?

Story of my life...

"Ahem" *cough* "Ahem"

To be fair, Beetles have always been ungainly little things. In a sense, that's also what's made them so interesting from a visual standpoint. While I agree that the last generation was a terrible and ugly caricature - this one feels like it grew up a little bit. And frankly, it's a more pleasant sight than, say, a

I think the same could be said about most cars. I'm going to go against the grain here, though, and say that I actually kind of like this new Beetle. It's a good-looking car, but Volkswagen just needs to take a little more time to tune it and perfect it a bit. If they sharpened it up a little bit, I think it would be

It's astounding how much better the back looks without Reichmann's unfortunate picnic-basket handle spoiler.

Absolutely agreed. That's why I'm curious - was the requirement to integrate the SDB-II an original requirement, or was it something added in later

You're definitely not an engineer, and nor do you have any experience with large projects.

Working with NASA, and having seen the JWST program develop over the past ten years, I understand the extraordinarily long and difficult I&T phases of complex systems; at least from a high-level perspective.


Highly disputed, depending on the metric of choice used. The Hughes H-4, otherwise known as the "Spruce Goose," still has the largest wingspan. In terms of volumetric capacity (which is typically used as the key metric in measuring ships, not aircraft), however, the An-224 wins.