
I wouldn't say that we can't build such a ship economically; after all, we produce largest, most complex, and most advanced warships in the world. It's more that we can't do so competitively due to the far more stringent labor laws in the US, which price us out of the competitive range made up of countries with less

It's not that turbo-electric drives in ships are all that new per se; after all, the world's first turbo-electric steamship, the USS New Mexico (pictured below) was launched in 1917.

Who let Marek Reichmann have a pencil again?

The 2004-2006 Pontiac GTO.

Dammit, somebody said it. Somebody is about to get a punch to the bojangles.

There is one that I have in mind. Amazingly, no one has said it. That's a good thing. If anyone says it, I will punch them in the bojangles.

Guess what inspired the Camaro's "bug-eyes?"

You must hate the Ferrari GT Lusso, then.

Will it blend?

At the risk of coming off as defending the guy, many if the counter arguments in favor of the F-15, particularly its combat record, are as misleading as Sprey's general bullshit.

Just checking to see if you're still around.

I see your sarcasm detector is broken.

Some people have no independent aesthetic taste and then there this is the very, very, very small minority actually do. It might be a little too much for the world to comprehend.

This one is definitely uglier.

That's interesting. I don't know much of anything about legal specifics, but I have always been under the impression that if a stolen car is bought in good faith - i.e., the buyer does not know that he is purchasing a stolen car - then the buyer is entitled to keep the car, while the original owner must recourse to

While we're asking, can we also ask that they go ahead and abort the move to the pissed-off koala face that they've showed off? Kthxbye.

"I was just tired of seeing the Enterprise..."

On January 19th, 1937 Hughes smashed the previous transcontinental speed record (which he had previously set) by two hours, averaging 322 mph on the trip.

I found that little red 2002 in the lead pic particularly charming the instant I saw it. And then you told me what it's rocking, and now I'm in love. Do want. Badly.