Paulie TTK

He doesn’t even have the usual redeeming features of otherwise unsympathetic billionaires, which is interesting, because some of them can be cultivated intentionally. He’s not strongly associated with an admired charity. He’s not a patron of the arts. He hasn’t contributed to science or technology. His products are

Crush your enemies

I put this tweet through the Bullshit Translator and got this:

FUTGalaxy just sounds like a futanari porn site to me.

Thanks for the warning. I’ll try to evade it.

The fall of Messi will be Taxing

Arizona is Arians Nation!

What Has Always Sucked:


That name’s too long. Let’s shorten it a little bit.


Let’s brainstorm some possibilities:...

Additionally, the show has revealed how many players appear to shun basic science.

And Iran

Actually, the good question is: How did the liberal media conspiracy succeed so colossally in convincing over 80% of the public to believe in the scientific method on this topic, when they can’t on so many others?

Depends on the flavor Jolly Rancher you had in the Zima!

Your Copa América semifinalists:

Just got a second-hand high from this dank kinja.