Paulie TTK

This is fraud-ass kinja

Geiger should count his blessings that he’s even at the World Cup at all.

As an adult alone, I had a great time for the most part. Right up front (I arrived at 6:30am) the only issue was a couple deaf guys who kept having their deaf friends keep showing up and trying to force their way in even after we couldn’t move anymore. We almost had a fight with them right around 10am when one pushed

Hope he has his “BIG!” cupholder

I think Natalie Holloway came (or went) first

go fuck yourself :D

Two Japanese girls, one in her school swimsuit, the other in school uniform, falling head first into mud. Mesmerizing indeed.

Etihad is based in the UAE

My deepest sympathies Sarah. The other week on the way home from work, two different radio stations were playing Thunder simultaneously. When I flipped to a third station playing a different song, sure enough, the next song that came on was Thunder. I’ve never wanted to swerve into oncoming traffic more in my life.

Allez allez allez!

If they were throwing something at Sterling, it should’ve been money. One greedy bastard!


Dong is on the rise

Because women have a natural affinity for curling with the sweeping and all.

The only thing I would add is if you’re travelling in July, August, or early September, take a fan with you. The humidity is real. Having lived in Virginia and Florida, I thought I could handle it. After breaking into a sweat walking a few blocks to 7-11 at 7am in late August, I thought differently.

There are JR tourist passes you can buy before coming to Japan and exchanging at the airport. However, this only covers lines run by JR. You can definitely use it to get to most places in Tokyo via the Yamanote line. However, it doesn’t cover things like the subway, the monorail from Haneda airport, or lines operated

My dad and I went to both Wild Card games the two years prior at the Vet. I really wanted to go for the championship game but after seeing two losses, we decided we were cursed so we watched from home. 

There will be a rematch but it will be at the New Japan shows in California in March.

Start Toto’s “Africa” at 11:58:33 and you can bless the rains in Africa right at midnight.