
Because War is the last big profitable enterprise for the USA, and as the Dept of Defense ramps up, their budget goes up in a big way. Kickbacks are thrown around, careers are made and the potential to become political figures (a la Petraeus before his scandal).

I have to admit, I kind of enjoy a grammar nazi getting their correction wrong.

It’s really not.  Watched it with 2 other people and we loved the movie.

This. I was raised with guns, and I attended NRA sponsored events as a child that centered around firearms safety. At 18 I was a “card-carrying member.” In 2008 I revoked my membership and seeing the radicalization begin, and I’ve been a vocal opponent of the NRA ever since.

It’s a shame most people are too

I wish I was that excited. Instead I’m skeptical.

The problem is that it’s not for publicity; it’s Capitalist propaganda to be spread by MAGATs on Facebook and given as an hilarious Christmas gag gift amongst our increasingly ill-informed citizenry.

I don’t think there is any show on TV that portrays friendship between women as well as GLOW.

Something then provoked him to take a shot at the old man’s head when he wasn’t paying attention.

How could she have done [insert sensationalistic description of a single sex act] for so little money? In this viewpoint, women in porn—and only women in porn—are permanently surrendering something of themselves. From this perspective, any dollar amount is shameful. It’s why the Twitter discourse and the mainstream

But wouldn’t this disqualify Jesus as well, since it’s almost certain the depictions of him we know now look nothing like he actually looked. 

Anyone else find a few tears running down their checks at the end of the Jenny/Melrose conflict?

This is possibly my favorite ever episode of the show.

They’re just salivating over his Italian/Iranian thing.... Sorry, fuckers, you already promoted Italians to white in the 60s, no takesies-backsies.

I would bet a good chunk of money he was also incel.

No, it’s not like that, it’s dumber and less tricky.

I honestly think he doesn’t understand that swedish politicians have no power over the courts

At the risk of outing myself as having terrible taste in film, does anyone else find most of his work unwatchable? I’ve just never understood the appeal of such a high violence to plot ratio and it’s really off-putting to me.

Here’s what you miss:

I love boxing, but boxing probably shouldn’t be a thing.