
Here’s an idea! It’s just so crazy it just might work...

Can’t fucking wait. Best marvel show by far.

I am super digging that comic book half-tone dot shimmer to the animation.

We live in a world where public shaming is, in a lot of cases, literally the only consequence these morons care about. It’s a new generation now, where your instagram/youtube/facebook likes are more important than anything else. Causing these morons to lose face in the public realm is quite literally the only thing

This is why humanity is doomed. Because we don’t let stupidity kill off the dumb ones. We actually protect the dumb ones instead of letting nature takes it’s course.

Pixel 2 for sure.

You do realize that whether or not the battery is internal or removeable, they’re still going to stop producing those batteries at the same time. You’ll be able to find a replacement battery for a couple of years, tops. After that you’ll be scouring the dusty corners of ebay for a “like new” replacement.

The Pixel 2 captures stunning shots that the other two “can’t quite match”, but we’re going to go ahead and give it to the Apple product anyway.

Maybe I’m just working too hard to give Russell Crowe the benefit of the doubt, but I think I actually get what he was trying to say regarding “sensitivity”.

At this rate, I’d be surprised if there IS a U.S.A by 2072, let alone one with enough clout to annex anything.

I also have friends that use periods in every sentence.

So I know that it’s only something behind his head; maybe a piece of the wall or the flag.

Quietly hums the Canadian national anthem to himself, both counting his blessings and hoping that Trumps bullshit doesn’t fuck up the international community toooo badly.

TOS movies are far better than the TOS series.

If you invent a currency tomorrow and convince at least one other person to take it in return for goods or services, it’s money.

Y’know what. I don’t care what anyone says, I lOVED the 2004 remake of Dawn of the Dead far more than the original and I for one think it deserves top billing.

...where along with a Chinese scientist named Xiaoping Ren from Harbin Medical University...

We lived outside the city and my dad worked nights, so I never actually went to a movie in a theatre until I was 8 years old (The first Police Academy if I remember correctly)

On the first day of christmas, Disney gave to me

You know how the aliens talk in Arrival; with squirting some ink like substance out of their tentacles?