
Never has a picture managed to sum up, so perfectly, the issue with the Abrams reboots.

You don’t. In the episode, there was a clean pattern stored on file from the last time she used the transporter. So when she got sick, they dematerialized her, grafted her clean pattern onto the signal, and then rematerialized her. Boom...cured.

First person singular is a lazy amateur excuse to avoid having to learn the proper use of POV in your writing.

...generate drama without tripping over the plot-breaking inventions that have been previously established.

And of course you know that any series such as that HAS to begin...where else...but with the search for Spock.

I am absolutely right there with you...except with the Bajoran thing.

My only gripe with my Moto X 2014 is that it spins.

My only gripe with my Moto X 2014 is that it spins.

Lemurs’ weapon of choice is to throw it’s own feces. Since a zombie lemur has no feces, they are harmless.

4 Syllables:

So...the yellow pages are responsible for all cases of the Hanta Virus if they list the phone number of a restaurant that someone on Yelp accused of having a rat problem?

Super jazzed about this. I’m a fair amount minimalist in my phone life. The fewer apps I need to install, the happier I am. Ditch a podcast app and have it bundled into my google play music. Dream.

In Time suffers the same fate as all of Andres Nicol’s films: he’s so concerned about everyone and everything looking perfect he doesn’t bring a complete script.

Sounds silly, but through most of the episode, I wanted it to be done so that I could go pop in Season Two of Angel “Are You Now or Have You Ever Been”

Meh. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, only half tongue-in-cheek:

Unless it’s Apple making the claims of course. Be honest, Is that not what the gist of your entire schtick has been in this comment thread?

The Portuguese call it a cinnamon bun.

It hasn’t been made yet. But when, inevitably, HBO makes Kim Stanley Robinson’s Mars Trilogy into a’ll be that.

But where exactly are you (or anyone) supposed to draw the line where “brand loyalty” and “monopoly” converge.

Calling it right now.

As unpopular as this will be, on my re-watch of the series, I actually didn’t mind the Ori arc. I actually quite enjoyed it. I think it succeeded at what it tried to do; give a new over-arcing storyline to go along with a new team leader.