
ctrl - alt- T ===> Bring up a terminal window. I find that that is the one that I use the most since switching over to Linux full time.

Every once in a while it will give a tiny flash before bringing up the login screen. Never really gave it much thought.

I think now the only really tricky part of gaming on Linux is finding the right graphics drivers to get the best performance on your system.

It took me a long long time to finally go to Linux full-time. And when I did, it was only after dual-booting for months beforehand so that I would know a) what I would run into glitch-wise, b) What steps I would have to take out of the box to get it running the way I wanted to, and c) Which distro I wanted that

Year 2000

Well. Now I know.

When you get the chance, can you pass that nugget on to your neighbours up North here. We're still stuck in the woods. sure wouldn't mind joining you all someday. Getting kinda sick of sitting at the kiddie table of international soccer.

The Gawker family is the only sites that I use twitter to sign in. So I know whose knees to cap should stuff happen.

And then there is my dog:

Preach it, brotha-man. Preach it.

So when was the last time you murdered someone, buried their body in your back yard, and knitted a sweater for your cat from their scalp? 1 month? 3 months?

Under. Because

This particular Doesn't mention Apple. But the entire Gawker media empire is up Apples ass daily. Even when they write an "article" that criticizes them or their products, it amounts to nothing more than the tech equivalent of a humble-brag.

the reason those cables are so expensive? Because they know you'll buy it anyway.

No offence, but significant to YOU.

Am I as crazy as Elon Musk, or does this actually make sense?

So...the man in the boat has really long oars?

I just find it funny that they pronounce "Google Services" as though it's some sort of bad thing.

It's all about the ecosystem. The services that are offered and how those services converge into the device.