Paul Hartwell

Hmm, yeah that's something. A dramatic exposition but realistically a reason for any police roller anywhere to pull a dude over and write up a ticket.

Agreed about Marty thinking Rust innocent regardless of their possibly meeting or getting their story straight before OR after Marty's interview. But what makes you think they are meeting after Marty has spoken to the other two detectives?

I was thinking along this line a few minutes ago; please find my post but I say that it is Rust seeking out Marty at a point after Rust has been interviewed and before Marty is going in.

Has it been worked out yet where in the course of 2012 (if it is indeed 2012) that Rust is flagging down Marty on the highway? We know that the other two detectives interview Rust first and then about a week later they interview Marty. But can we tell yet from the last scene at what point this is, with regard to the