
Maybe I'm the minority here, but this episode left me with a really weird and unsatisfied taste in my mouth. When you kill off characters that are BORING AS FUCK, how are we supposed to feel? Pleased that they'll no longer be on screen? But what if those deaths are gruesome and tragic for a character we like? And what

This was the worst episode of the series. They manage to suck the dramatic tension out of several things we'd been waitimg for (mike's inevitably tragic end and Walt essentially running out of luck with the DEA). Jesse and Walt's "split" was a tired retread of other past fights. Andthe clown posing as a big bad?

This was the worst episode of the series. They manage to suck the dramatic tension out of several things we'd been waitimg for (mike's inevitably tragic end and Walt essentially running out of luck with the DEA). Jesse and Walt's "split" was a tired retread of other past fights. Andthe clown posing as a big bad?