
Well, I’m 42 and over weight, but yeah kind of.

Couldn’t agree more. Honestly the whole part of this article that was trying to depict tutoring as some “shameful” act was bizarre to me.

You know, you gotta do what you gotta do. That’s good money for relatively light work (I’m not saying easy, I just mean, not on your feet all day at some Starbucks or Target.) To hell with your dumb boyfriend, I don’t see why you should feel guilty for providing one more advantage to already advantaged people. It

It’s hard to think of something that would almost qualify as workplace-appropriate attire in today’s standards as “scandalous”, but I can buy it as being a bit tawdry at the time.

“Wrotten" = a combination of "wrong and "rotten"? Even if this is a typo, I dig it.

again, :(

I met Ashley Judd, she was a narcissistic jerk.

This is unnecessarily mean. She went on Howard Stern and was lovely. She admitted to all her bad decision making and the backlash it caused. I think the press loved to hate her. She’s paid the price. Her career is ruined. Enough already.

Hey, you know what else is bad for small businesses? Gigantic chain like Home Depot that move into mid-sized towns and drive those small hardware shops out of business.

Gotta love that the U.S. provides military aid to Bahrain while pretending to give a shit about democracy, freedom, and human rights.

and others rally to the responsibilities they swore an oath to..

I don't like the comments I'm reading on here. Yea they ran from the cops, but basically saying because they ran from the cops they deserved to die is just as wrong as them running from the cops. They may have been bad apples but they still should have survived to be held accountable for their actions.

Amen. Nothing brings me as much happiness as knowing that shitty people want to avoid me. You keep on doing that, it suits me fine.

To hell with Zara, then!

Global warming deniers are such dumb fucks.